
litigate vt.,vi.訴諸法律,打官司;爭論。


In the general principles of our country ’ s penal code , it appeared only in article 98 in which regulates the definition of no trial without complaint and the subject of litigating right ; in the penal code of the general principles , crime of insulting , crime of defamation , crime of interference in the freedom of marriage , crime of abusing , are confirmed as no trial without complaint 在第一部分中,筆者比較了我國刑法中規定親告罪的概念及特征與國外刑法中親告罪的概念及特征。將國內外的親告罪作了分類。第二部分中,運用道德和法益的雙重視角認為國內親告罪的范圍主要集中在刑法中的私益,尤其是一身專屬性私益之中,與傳統道德相呼應。

Three litigation certified concepts have their own background , through the comparative analysis among formal true concept , external true concept and legal true concept , it is clearly testified that formal true concept only has half sense , and cannot satisfies the requirement of modern litigation , therefore it cannot be the concept of modern litigated certification . the main defects of formal true concept are replacing reality by ideality , magnifying the cognition ability of lawsuit truth of human beings , violating the requirement of program value concept , and blocking the development of the modern judicatory reformation . legal true concept dose not exclude the formal true concept , and it a ccords with the cognition relativism , litigation certified relativism and program value concept , therefore , it can be the directive litigation certified concept of china ' s judicatory reformation 訴訟證明標準理論研究應從證明標準理念、證明訴訟的法律規定和證明標準的現實把握三個層面進行,訴訟證明標準理念包括形式真實理念、法律真實理念和客觀真實理念,三種訴訟證明理念各有其形成的時代背景,通過對形式真實理念、客觀真實理念和法律真實理念全面的比較分析,可以清晰明了地證明,形式真實理念充其量具有半理性的特征,不能滿足現代訴訟的要求,因而不可能作為現代訴訟證明理念;客觀真實理念存在的主要缺陷是用理想代替現實,夸大了人對案件事實的認識能力,違背了程序價值理論的要求,與目前的司法改革的價值取向發生沖突,阻礙了當前司法改革的進程;法律真實理念并不排斥客觀真實理念,符合認識相對論、訴訟證明相對論和程序價值理論,因此應作為指導我國司法改革的訴訟證明理念。

Starting with the analysis of the legislative stipulations of china ' s evidence - collecting system and its operation , combining the investigation of overseas means and procedural safeguards of parties “ collecting evidence , this paper firstly discusses the necessity of the procedural safeguards of our parties “ collecting evidence , secondly discusses the litigating value of the procedural safeguards of collecting evidence and lastly makes a tentative study of perfecting the procedural safeguards of collecting evidence 本文擬從剖析我國證據收集制度的立法規定及運作狀況入手,結合對國外民事訴訟當事人所獲收集證據的手段與程序保障的一般考察,在論證賦予我國當事人收集證據權利程序保障必要性的基礎上,再對當事人收集證據權利程序保障的訴訟價值進行討論,最后,對建構我國當事人收集證據權利的程序保障進行初步探討。

Indeed , in savigny ' s cosmopolitan and universalist milieu , there are no room for forum protectionism ; private international law should not be concerned with promoting the forum ' s interests as such but should instead aspire to ensure that each multi - state dispute is resolved in the same way regardless of where it is litigated 事實上,在薩維尼的世界主義和普遍主義的理論中,法院的保護主義沒有空間;國際私法不應關注于促進法院的利益,而應是熱望確保每一個多國爭端不論其訴訟地在何處,都能以相同的方式解決。

He is a baccalaureate degree graduate of ucla , and a juris doctorate graduate of the cleveland - marshall college of law where he was awarded the sidney a . levine award for best legal writing in 1976 - 77 . he is a member of the american immigration lawyers association , and he has successfully litigated cases before the federal courts , board of immigration appeals , appeals adjudication unit , board of alien labor certification appeals , and the regional commissioners of the ins 李亞倫律師持ucla大學學士學位及cleveland - marshall法學院法學博士,并獲該法學院的sidney a . levine 1976 - 1977最佳法律論文獎,李亞倫律師是美國移民律師協會會員,在下列各處都有成功的案件,如聯邦法庭,移民上訴委員會,上訴審核處,外籍人士勞工證明上訴委員會,移民局地區專員等。

2 ) as for the judicial regulation , it is difficult to carry out because of imperfect legislation , the lack of judicial independence , and the low legal consciousness of the consumers , therefore it is necessary to distinguish sfc from administrative rules , to enlarge the scope of examination by the courts and to perfect the litigating rules 其次是司法規制方面,由于立法不足,司法獨立和司法公正還存在一些問題,消費者的法律意識較為薄弱,給格式合同的司法規制造成了一定的困難。有必要區別格式合同與行政規章,擴大法院對格式合同的審查范圍,在立法上明確格式合同的范圍,并完善消費者訴訟規則。

The fact that claimants can irresponsibly litigate with less , or practically no concern on costs , will create a more litigious society as the barrier of legal costs which dissuades many people from bringing or continuing with claims is removed by using conditional fees 申索人事實上可不負責任的提出訴訟,不用多大或實際上無須擔心訟費,這將會步上訴訟社會之路,因為使用按條件收費將可掃除可勸阻不少人士提出或繼續申索的法律費用障礙。

Meanwhile this study will be helpful to the reform of our country ' s litigation scheme and concrete litigating system , the theoretical preparation for deepening the reform of civil trial form and the fulfillment of the value of civil procedure 同時,研究當事人收集證據權利的程序保障,有助于我國訴訟體制及具體訴訟制度的改革,有助于為民事審判方式改革的深化作理論上的準備,有助于民事訴訟程序價值的實現。

In endorsing the aim to reduce court cost and raise court efficiency , council stressed the importance of safeguarding the rights of litigating parties , and of balancing the desire to raise efficiency with the value of maintaining an acceptable court process 本局贊同減低法庭費用及提高法庭效率的目標,但強調捍衛與訟各方權益的重要性,并強調需要在提高效率的意欲與維持可接受的法庭審理程序的價值中取得平衡。

If one of the parties refuses to mediate or the mediation is unsuccessful , the right owner of the olympic symbols or other interested persons may litigate it to the court , or claim for the resolution to the administration departments for industry and commerce 不愿協商或者協商不成的,奧林匹克標志權利人或者利害關系人可以向人民法院提起訴訟,也可以請求工商行政管理部門處理。

Opinions : the definition of the representative lawsuits is newly mentioned , which is that one person or several people on behalf of all the prosecutors of their aspect litigate , and the result is efficacious to all the prosecutors 我們認為民事代表人訴訟是指民事糾紛主體眾多,人數眾多的一方由其中一人或數人為代表人進行訴訟,訴訟結果及于代表人和被代表人。

Like the suitability of party , it also need judge the litigating requirements on the basis of special litigating circumstances and the claiming content , which are the essential factors of suit interests 它與當事人適格一樣,都需要根據具體訴訟的狀況并緊密結合請求的內容來作出判斷的訴訟要件,而利益的判斷標準是訴之利益的核心要素。

“ be convenient to litigate for mass , be convenient to try for courts ” is a judicatory work principle that formed in the date of revolutionary war , embodying the special social and historical background “便于群眾訴訟,便于人民法院審判”之兩便原則是在解放區革命根據地形成的一項司法工作原則,體現著獨特的社會歷史背景。

Consider including choice of law , venue selection , and attorneys fee clauses . if your contract gets litigated , you might as well give your client some “ ammunition “ for the fight 可以在合同中加入所依據的法律、合同發生地、律師費等條款。有了這些條款,一旦合同引起訴訟,你就已經為你的客戶打這場訴訟戰準備好了一些“彈藥” 。

It means reform of our tendency to litigate everything and to make it difficult then for businesses to start and to do business in the united states because they are constantly afraid of litigation 美國與日本聯合起來能做出更大的貢獻。美日同盟不僅是安全與穩定的同盟,而且是關愛同盟。

Technology firms are seeking more patents , expanding their scope , licensing more , litigating more and overhauling their business models around intellectual property 科技企業在尋求更多的專利,擴大專利覆蓋范圍,增加更多的許可,提起更多專利訴訟,圍繞知識產權調整公司的營業模式。

4 , as to the mechanism of stimulation , in order to encourage people to litigate , we should apply many ways , such as “ risk lawsuit “ , setting up the lawsuit fund of representative 4 、在激勵機制上,應采取多種方式,如“風險訴訟” 、設立代表人訴訟基金、以鼓勵權利人提起訴訟。

This part briefly discusses the litigating conditions of our parties “ procedural safeguards of the rights for collecting evidence , further indicating the writing purpose of this paper 簡略討論了當事人收集證據權利程序保障運作的訴訟環境,進一步點明本文的寫作意圖。

Michael clayton : you are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest , most respected law firms in the world . you are a legend 邁克爾?克萊頓:你是世界上最大、最受尊敬的律師事務所的資深訴訟合伙人,你簡直可以稱為這個行業的一個傳奇。