
litigant adj.有關訴訟的。 the parties litig...


Thus we can clear the legal relations of the additional donated commodity , even better defend the litigant ' s legitimate rights and interests 從而厘清附贈商品的法律關系,更好地維護當事人的合法權益。

Whether the supplier must be one of the litigants or not shall be decided by the court according to the actual circumstances of the case 供貨人是否需要列為當事人,由法院根據案件的具體情況決定。

If the system of con tract is introduced in the civil lawsuit , it can strengthen litigant ' s procedural status 在民事訴訟中,我們應當引入合意機制,構建民事訴訟契約制度,強化當事人的程序主體性。

If all state venues are exhausted , litigants may appeal to the united states supreme court , the highest court in this country 如果州的司法途徑被用盡,訴訟當事人可以將案件上訴到美國的最高法院。

Such litigants often face laws that are ambiguous , courts that rule inconsistently and patchy enforcement of rulings 然而,這些訴訟人常常遇到法律規定模糊、法庭判決不一致和裁決執行不利等問題。

The right of the police , the right of the litigant and the lawyer should be restrained by regulations in the limit of laws 警方的權力、當事人和律師的權利,都應該在法律范圍內受到規范制約。

Press active lawyer solid wu , mix lawyer business cent for litigant professional work normally blame litigation professional work 按現行律師實務,通常把律師業務分為訴訟業務和非訴訟業務。

However , if arbitration clause is included in the contract , the supplier shall not be determined to be one of the litigants 但供貨合同中有仲裁條款的,則不應當將供貨人列為當事人。

Litigants who lose their cases in the state supreme court may appeal their cases to the supreme court of the united states 在州最高法院敗訴的當事人可以上訴至聯邦最高法院。

This fundamental principle of litigants paying for their own risk of litigation has been well accepted and practised 訴訟人承擔本身訴訟風險的基本原則,獲得廣泛接受及執行。

During this process , the power of the judge and the right of the litigant need a rearrangement 這個轉變過程,同時也是法官與當事人之間權責關系重新調整和配置的過程。

Not “ litigant person “ this concept , you are said the likelihood is to show lawsuit participates in a person 沒有“訴訟人”這個概念,你所說可能是指訴訟參與人。

Burden of proof is a disadvantage consequence of litigant claiming for the fact 證明責任是指在案件事實處于真偽不明的狀態時,主張該事實的當事人所承擔的不利后果。

Conflicts and coordination in traditional administratible lawsuits and public litigation - current proposal on public - spirited litigant 兼論行政公益訴訟的法律建議

B . court system and adr system are only a matter of free choice by litigants involved in a dispute (二)訴訟與訴訟外紛爭解決制度皆系當事人自主的紛爭解決程序。

In litigant process , party still can remove entrust , but also answer written tell people court 在訴訟過程中,當事人還可以解除委托,但也應書面告知人民法院。

These claims recovery agents may become bankrupt leaving the litigants to bear the entire costs 有關申索追討代理人可能會破產,訴訟人因而須承擔全部訟費。

The bill of mediation becomes legally effective after it has been delivered to the litigants and signed by them 調解書交雙方當事人簽收后,即具有法律效力

On the deficiency and perfection in the legal system of the third litigant without independent right 論我國無獨立請求權第三人法律制度的不足與完善