
litigable adj.【法律】可訴訟的。


Based on the guarantee of the litigation right of citizen , this article intends to prove the importance and essentiality of litigable principle in administrative law through the analysis of the respected theory status quo . thus set up the judicial system according to wto requirements which based on china legal tradition with its own characteristic 本文通過對我國行政法基本原則現狀的分析,指出當前占主導地位的“兩原則說”之缺陷,從保障公民訴權的角度提出在行政法上確立“行政可訴性”原則的重要性和必要性。

This article can be divided into five parts . through the illustration of current theory on the principle of administrative law , the first part analyzes the defects of dominated two - principle theory . the second part fully demonstrates the properaess of establishment of litigable principle from its jurisprudence basis , practical legal foundation and social groundwork 行政可訴性原則是行政合法性原則與合理性原則的應有之義,在當前建設“行政法治”的進程中有其存在的法理基礎、實證法基礎以及社會基礎,對于促進我國行政訴訟制度的發展、進而建立司法審查制度具有重要意義。

Aimed at the administrative litigation status quo as well as its defects , the last but two part provides some institutional constructions of the litigable principle in china , among which the insurance of judicial impendence and building administrative case law are of most importance 考慮到我國目前行政訴訟的現狀和不足,確保司法獨立和建立行政判例制度是行政可訴性原則在中國制度設置的最重要的內容。

The sixth chapter : litigable protection of investor ' s rights , include litigable character of dr cases ; jurisdiction conflict of dr cases and connect factor of jurisdiction ; problems related to law application 第六章投資者權益的訴訟法保護,包括存托憑證案件的訴訟特點;存托憑證案件的管轄權沖突和管轄權的連接因素;關于法律適用問題。