
lithuanian adj.立陶宛的,立陶宛人〔語〕的。n.立陶宛人;立陶宛...


Hutchison ' s executives and staff are a multicultural mix as diverse as the reach of the corporation ' s operations : hong kongers , mainland chinese , americans , australians , belgians , british , canadians , dutch , filipinos , french , german , indians , israelis , pakistanis , swedish , latvian , lithuanian and many other nationalities make up the people of hutchison 集團屬下各級員工分別來自香港、中國內地、美洲、澳洲、比利時、英國、加拿大、荷蘭、菲律賓、法國、德國、印度、以色列、巴基斯坦、瑞典、拉脫維亞和立陶宛等國家。

It includes the two great classical germanic languages such as english , german , dutch , and swedish ; the romance languages such as italian , french , spanish , and portuguese ; the celtic languages such as welsh and gaelic ; the slavic languages such as russian , languages , lithuanian and latvian ; the iranian languages such as sanskrit and hindi ; and other miscellaneous languages such as albanian and armenian 它包括兩大最古典的語言,拉丁語和希臘語;日耳曼語族諸如英語、德語、荷蘭語和瑞典語;羅曼語族如意大利語、法語、西班牙語和葡萄牙語;凱爾特語族如威爾士語和蓋爾語;斯拉夫語族如俄語、波蘭語、捷克語和塞爾維亞一克羅地亞語;波羅的海語族如立陶宛語和拉脫維亞語;伊朗語族如波斯語和普什圖語;印度語族如梵語和印地語;另外還有其它各種語族如阿爾巴尼亞語和亞美尼亞語。

Oslo , norway - a lithuanian held on suspicion of theft in an arctic norway jail slipped out of custody literally by stripping naked , smearing himself with vegetable oil and sliding through the prison bars , police said wednesday . “ he slipped through the bars on christmas eve , “ said svein - erik jacobsen , operation leader for the oest - finnmark police district 挪威警方1月3日透露,一名因涉嫌盜竊而被關押在該國北極圈地區瓦德索監獄中的立陶宛人最近悄悄越獄,而此人采用的逃跑方式也頗為奇特,他是先將衣服脫光,然后全身涂滿植物油,最后便順利地“滑”過了監獄的鐵柵欄。

“ change “ is perhaps the word which best characterizes poland . first of all , throughout the ten centuries of poland s recorded history , the territorial shape of our country changed many times . poland under the reign of the piast dynasty ( 966 - 1370 ) was an average - sized country , whereas rzeczpospolita ( the polish noble republic ) that was born with the polish - lithuanian union ( 1385 ) was the most powerful country of continental europe at the turn of the 15th and the 16th century 波蘭歷史波蘭有文字記載的歷史長達10個世紀,她的疆土版圖在這期間幾經滄桑。歷史上第一個王朝皮亞斯特王朝( 966 1370 )時,當時的波蘭是個中等國家,而后,例如根據波蘭立陶宛聯盟( 1385 )建立起來的貴族共和國,則在15 16世紀之交時成為大陸歐洲的最強大的國家之一。

It includes the two at classical germanic languages such as english , german , dutch , and swedish ; the romance languages such as italian , french , spanish , and portuguese ; the celtic languages such as welsh and gaelic ; the slavic languages such as russian , languages , lithuanian and latvian ; the iranian languages such as sanskrit and hindi ; and other miscellaneous languages such as albanian and armenian 它包括兩大最古典的語言,拉丁語和希臘語;日耳曼語族諸如英語、德語、荷蘭語和瑞典語;羅曼語族如意大利語、法語、西班牙語和葡萄牙語;凱爾特語族如威爾士語和蓋爾語;斯拉夫語族如俄語、波蘭語、捷克語和塞爾維亞一克羅地亞語;波羅的海語族如立陶宛語和拉脫維亞語;伊朗語族如波斯語和普什圖語;印度語族如梵語和印地語;另外還有其它各種語族如阿爾巴尼亞語和亞美尼亞語。

Oslo , norway - a lithuanian held on suspicion of theft in an arctic norway jail slipped out of custody ? literally ? by stripping naked , smearing himself with vegetable oil and sliding through the prison bars , police said wednesday 挪威警方1月3日透露,一名因涉嫌盜竊而被關押在該國北極圈地區瓦德索監獄中的立陶宛人最近悄悄越獄,而此人采用的逃跑方式也頗為奇特,他是先將衣服脫光,然后全身涂滿植物油,最后便順利地“滑”過了監獄的鐵柵欄。

Even with 20 , europe ' s tower of babel twenty languages gives a total of 380 possible combinations english - german , french - czech , finnish - portuguese , etc , and finding any human being who speaks , for example , both greek and estonian or slovene and lithuanian is 20種語言總共有380種可能的組合如英語-德語,法語-捷克語,芬蘭語-葡萄牙語等等,而且想要找到那些同時會說諸如希臘語和愛沙尼亞語或斯洛文尼亞語和立陶宛語的人幾乎是不可能的。

Another lithuanian , held as an accomplice in the same cell , also used the technique to try to slip out of a window of the vadsoe jail , but failed , apparently because he was too big . the men had managed to bend the bars slightly to gain more space 報道說,在同一間牢房中還關押著另外一位被認為是同謀犯的立陶宛人,此人也曾試圖采用相同的方法逃出監獄,但最后以失敗告終,因為他的塊頭實在是太大了。

The unusual escape made national news in norway on wednesday . another lithuanian , held as an accomplice in the same cell , also used the technique to try to slip out of a window of the vadsoe jail , but failed , apparently because he was too big 報道說,在同一間牢房中還關押著另外一位被認為是同謀犯的立陶宛人,此人也曾試圖采用相同的方法逃出監獄,但最后以失敗告終,因為他的塊頭實在是太大了。

The original list was dominated by ex - soviet satellites ( rows over polish meat exports , lithuanian oil imports , the siting of an estonian war memorial , and czech and polish plans to host an american anti - missile defence system ) 最初的爭議領域都是由前蘇聯附庸國掌控的,比如說,波蘭的肉食品出口、立陶宛的原油進口、愛沙尼亞戰爭紀念館建筑地定位和捷克與波蘭主辦美國反導彈防御系統的計劃) 。

A lithuanian held on suspicion of theft in an arctic norway jail slipped out of custody - literally - by stripping naked , smearing himself with vegetable oil and sliding through the prison bars , police said wednesday 警方周三透露說,位于北極圈的一家挪威監獄里有名涉嫌偷盜的立陶宛裔人從監獄中“溜”了出來- -他脫光衣服,用植物油涂滿全身,順監獄的欄桿“溜”了出去。

Lithuanian held on suspicion of theft in an arctic norway jail slipped out of custody - literally - by stripping naked , smearing himself with vegetable oil and sliding through the prison bars , police said wednesday 警方周三透露說,位于北極圈的一家挪威監獄里有名涉嫌偷盜的立陶宛裔人從監獄中“溜”了出來- -他脫光衣服,用植物油涂滿全身,順監獄的欄桿“溜”了出去。

Born underwater at home , on july 9 , 1994 , in mount morris , illinois , to the atheistic stay - at - home lithuanian homemaker mother , and an american father , culinary arts instructor , chef and dietary manager 1994年7月9日生于(美國)伊利諾斯州莫里斯山的家中,水中(分娩)誕生。母親是立陶宛人,無神論者,家庭主婦;父親是美國人,擔任過廚師、餐飲業經理、烹飪藝術講師。

Uefa is taking a hard - line approach on sportsmanship and issued lithuanian saulius mikoliunas a two - game ban for diving for a penalty against scotland in september ' s euro 2008 qualifier 歐足聯在球員的運動員精神方面極為嚴厲。剛剛給立陶宛球員米科柳納斯處以2場停賽的處罰,該名球員在9月對陣蘇格蘭的2008歐錦賽預選賽中假摔騙取點球。

In may 2006 a police investigation at a premises in brighton identified a lithuanian woman who said she had been trafficked into the uk and forced to work as a prostitute 2006年5月,警方調查英國南部布賴頓的一處建筑物時,確認了一名立陶宛婦女的身份。據該婦女稱,她被拐賣到英國,被迫做妓女賣淫。

Another lithuanian , held as an accomplice in the same cell , also used the technique to try to slip out of a window of the jail , but failed , apparently because he was too big 另一名立陶宛人和越獄者共處一個房間,也想要用這種方法從監獄的窗戶逃出去,但是卻失敗了,因為他個頭太大了。

3rd gentleman : graduated from lithuanian state music academe jazz dept , professional jazz sax , jazz director , music scholar . winner of 2002 world wind instrument competition in ukraine 三太郎:畢業于歐盟國家立陶宛國立音樂研究院jazz系:專業jazz薩克斯jazz指揮音樂學士學位。

Mr . cheney was speaking today thursday in the lithuanian capital , vilnius , at a conference of baltic and black sea states 切尼星期四在立陶宛首都維爾紐斯舉行的一個波羅的海和黑海國家會議上發表講話。

Language : latvian replaced russian as the official language in 1988 . russian and lithuanian are also widely spoken 語言:原官方語言為俄語, 1988年改為拉脫維亞語。通用俄語和立陶宛語。