
lithuania n.立陶宛(歐洲)。


The striker revealed he was given no notice by domenech that he would be axed for this week ' s euro2008 qualifier against lithuania and the friendly with austria 這名前鋒并沒有引起多梅內克的注意,他落選了這星期2008歐錦賽預選賽和立陶宛的比賽以及和澳大利亞的友誼賽

Dvarioniene , j . , stasiskiene , z . , “ integrated water resource management model for process industry in lithuania , ” journal of cleaner production , 15 : 950 - 957 , 2007 邱仁杰,工業區廢水再生大型模廠建置及操作研究, 2003年水再生利用風險評估論文輯, 2003 。

Andriy shevchenko returned from injury to lead ukraine both to a 1 - 0 victory at home to lithuania and to the top of a strong - looking group 安德列-舍甫琴科傷愈復出,帶領烏克蘭在主場以1 - 0擊敗立陶宛隊,并帶著他們上升到了一個看上去強大的小組的榜首。

The scots face a home clash with lithuania before travelling to paris , however , and could make up ground on the group leaders before they meet 在去法國之前,蘇格蘭人則會在主場與立陶宛人一決高下,而且他們有可能在面對法國之前成為小組領頭羊。

Scotland continued their good start to the euro 2008 qualifying campaign , making it two wins out of two with a fine performance against lithuania 弗萊徹:蘇格蘭繼續了他們在歐洲杯預選賽上的優異表現,戰勝了立陶宛后獲得了2戰2勝的驕人戰績。

Russia wants to describe as “ soviet citizens ” the hundreds of thousands of people killed there who came from such places as eastern poland and lithuania 俄羅斯現在將當年在此犧牲的成千上萬東波蘭人和立陶宛人公然稱做“蘇聯公民” 。

Pranckevicius analyzes trends and developments in lithuania ' s political system , along with drafting speeches and policy statements for the president 普蘭克西斯分析立陶宛的政治體制之趨勢及發展,同時為他們的總統準備講稿及政策宣言。

The baltic nations of latvia , lithuania and estonia currently have low numbers of aids victims , but infections there are increasing quickly 拉脫維亞,立陶宛及愛沙尼亞等波羅的海國家目前的患者數目相對較小,但傳染速度仍然很快。

The decision to re - peg the litas was designed to facilitate the growing economic integration of lithuania with the economies in the european union 文件指出,將里塔斯改為與歐元掛,是為促進立陶宛與歐盟國家之間的經濟融合。

In tokyo in may 2006 , a concert at the prestigious national philharmonic hall in warsaw and concerts at festivals in france and lithuania during that summer 樂團更是首隊于著名的波蘭華沙愛樂音樂廳舉行音樂會的中國樂團。

Alternatively , application may be sent to the lithuania embassy in beijing with applicant s passport at the applicant s risk 香港居民如有必要,亦可把申請表格連同護照寄往北京立陶宛大使館申請簽證。

To travel to lithuania . for residents outside hong kong , please consult the relevant embassyconsulate nearest to you 香港境外居民如欲查詢有關資料,請與所在地或就近的立陶宛大使館或領事館聯絡。

Lithuania ' s legal limit is 0 . 4 grams per liter . “ this guy should have been lying dead , but he was still driving 斯克維爾內利斯說: “這家伙按理說已經處于瀕臨死亡的狀態,但他卻依然能開車上路。

To travel to lithuania . for residents outside hong kong , please consult the relevant embassy consulate nearest to you 香港境外居民如欲查詢有關資料,請與所在地或就近的立陶宛大使館或領事館聯絡。

Re - pegging of the lithuania litas from the us dollar to the euro in february 2002 under the currency board system employed by lithuania 月將其貨幣里塔斯與美元脫,改為與歐元掛的文件。

Naturally , this means that the lithuania - china winner squares off against either italy or puerto rico 自然的,這意味這立陶宛中國的勝者在四分之一決賽中將對抗意大利或者波多黎各。

[ b ] lithuania to hold first pride events [ / b ] lithuania will see its first gay pride events in late may 立陶宛(原蘇聯共和國之一, 1991年8月宣布獨立)今年五月底將會目睹她第一屆同慶活動

In 1410 , the armies of poland and lithuania together defeated the teutonic order in the battle of grunewald 1410年,波蘭和立陶宛的軍隊聯合起來在格林瓦爾德會戰中擊敗了條頓騎士團

Lithuania to hold first pride events [ / b ] lithuania will see its first gay pride events in late may 立陶宛(原蘇聯共和國之一, 1991年8月宣布獨立)今年五月底將會目睹她第一屆同慶活動