
lithotomy n.【醫學】膀胱切開取石術,膀胱石切除術。-tomic,...


Methods between 1992 and 1998 , 35 patients were admitted for complex intrahepatic biliary calculi . patients undergone biliary lithotomy by multiple incision made on the bile duct strictures disseminating on different hepatic lobes and segments , hence the exposure of the strictured duct and the bile ductplasty after the cholangiotomy was the major challenge 方法總結分析1992 - 1998年外科治療復雜性肝內多段膽管結石并多處膽管狹窄35例的手術方法,總結顯露與切開肝內狹窄段膽管、取出結石、解除狹窄的經驗和體會。

Research for improving lithotomy position and the postoperative complications 改良截石位的擺放方法與術后并發癥的研究

Lithotomy sound and catheter 膀胱取石探子和導尿管