
lithosphere n.【地質學;地理學】巖石圈,陸界。


Therefore the flexural stress covers a large percentage of the total stress field . the study of the flexural stress field of the continental lithoshpere in western china will contribute a lot to the understanding of the tectonic evolution of continental lithosphere and the global plate tectonics 研究中國西部大陸巖石圈的撓曲應力場對于了解該區總應力場的性質、研究板內造山運動和青藏高原隆升以及地球動力學都具有非常重要的意義,有助于理解構造運動的動力機制和大陸巖石圈的運動特征。

Continent block colliding during late - permian to middle - triassic ; lower part delamination and upper part rifting of lithosphere during late - triassic ; delayed compression and uplift during early - jurassic ; crust extension from middle - jurassic to early - cretaceous ; large - scale strike sliping from late - cretacoues to present . ( 6 ) roughly expounding the deposits distribution feature in south part of sanjiang orogenic belts , especially in detail to set forth the characters of southern nanchangjiang cu , pb , zn , ag , sn , fe metallogenic belt 初步闡明了三江造山帶南段礦床的時空分布特征,特別是較系統闡述了與巖石圈拆沉作用相關的南瀾滄江cu 、 pb 、 zn 、 ag 、 sn 、 fe成礦帶的特點,指出含鉀較高的火山巖可作為尋找拆沉環境中銅多金屬礦的有利地區,而火山巖中孔隙度較高的層位、層面和破碎帶可作為優先找礦部位。

The inversion results indicate the following phenomena : the lithosphere density beneath north china area is extremely inhomogeneous , which is the reflection of the feature of violent tectonic movement ; the density distribution is coherent with tectonic ; the density is different in different tectonic units ; there are low density regions in the crust ; the strong earthquakes in north china region mainly occur at this depth 反演結果表明:華北地區巖石圈密度極不均勻,反映了區內強烈的構造活動特徵;層內密度分布與大地構造有明顯的相關性,不同的構造單元存在著密度差異,斷裂帶表現為密度異常梯級帶;殼內存在著低密度層,華北地區地震的震源深度主要發生在這一深度上,可能與之相關。

Secondly , based on the microbeam analytical technique , on the one hand , through investigating the characteristic of major elements in the mantle minerals the author acquired the static information from mantle ; on the other hand , through multi - point analysis of a part of the minerals from mantle , the auther got dynamic information from mantle . finally , generalizating the fruits of this study and predecessors , the autor holds that the constituents of lithospheric mantle possibly includes spinel lherzolites , clinopyroxenites , websterite , dunite , harzburgites , garnet lherzite , phlogopite lherzite , eclogites , clinopyroxene megacrysts ; compared with east china and north china platform , the research field mantle shows the characteristics of higher degree of partial melting processes and more depleted mantle ; the . upper mantle beneath north hetian area is heterogeneous , with a tendency of deficit in a12o3 and lree from kaliyang in west hetian to the river basin of kalakshi river and yulongkashi river ; the subduction of the crust beneath north hetian has ever occurred in geological history and caused the mixing of mantle - crust ; the depth of the origination of basaltic magmas beneath north hetian exceeds 73km ; the thickness of the lithosphere beneath the research area amounts to 204 . 9km ; the mantle beneath north hetian has geological condtions for forming diamond deposits 最后,綜合本區幔源礦物和地幔巖石的特征以及地球物理資料,得出如下結論:本區上地幔的物質組成有尖晶石二輝橄欖巖、二輝巖、單斜輝石巖、純橄欖巖、方輝橄欖巖、石榴石二輝橄欖巖、金云母二輝橄欖巖、榴輝巖;與中國東部以及華北地臺上地幔相比,研究區上地幔具有富集主元素中相容元素和虧損其中的不相容元素的特征,局部熔融程度較高;上地幔存在橫向和縱向的不均一性,從西部的克里陽到喀拉喀什河和玉龍喀什河流域, al和lree富集程度呈下降趨勢,不同來源的相同礦物中主元素的含量差異較大;地質歷史時期這里可能發生過地殼俯沖并產生殼幔混合作用;玄武巖漿的起源深度73km ;從幔源重砂礦物的溫壓估算結果,可以推斷出巖石圈厚度可達204 . 9km ;綜合巖石圈物質組成特征、巖石圈熱狀態、地幔溫壓狀態、氧逸度以及幔源巖石和幔源礦物的化學成分,認為研究區具備了金剛石成礦地幔地質條件。

The result of study of geology and geochemistry indicates that forming manner is exogenous , but compositions mainly comes from deep part of lithosphere . 3 . acceding to geological characteristics of ore deposits and the mode of mineralization , deposits of lead - zinc - ( sil 熱水沉積巖的地球化學研究結果認為,熱水沉積巖的形成是在海底盆地中進行的,但它的物質來源不是陸源沉積物,而是來源于地殼的內部,即形成方式和環境具外生特征,物質來源具內生特點。

And climatic variation is a main factor affecting desertification . the sustained period of water deficit is a direct cause of desertification in arid and semi - arid areas . the tectonic activities of lithosphere control the distribution of desertification by constructing geomorphology 提出了自然作用在土地荒漠化演化中占主導地位,其中,氣候變化是控制土地荒漠化進退的首要因素,地表水持續虧損則是導致干旱、半干旱地區土地荒漠化發展的直接原因。

Formation and change of ancient lakes are the results from the interaction of atmosphere , hydrosphere , biosphere , lithosphere and the activities of human beings . so by the study on formation and change of ancient lakes , general picture of environmental evolvement in the studied area can be revealed 古湖泊的形成與演變是大氣圈、水圈、巖石圈、生物圈以及人類活動綜合作用的結果,因此通過研究古湖泊的形成與演變能夠揭示該區環境演變的特征。

In the interim from highstand systems tract to transgressive systems tract , faulting is violent in the basin , different kind of fluids coming from dissimilar position of lithosphere enter into synsedimentary faults served as a place fluids mixed to form ore - bearing hydrocarbon alkali - fluids 在從高水位體系域向海侵體系域的盆地相迅速轉化時,盆地內斷裂構造活動強烈,斷裂溝通不同部位的熱水流體,使成礦烴堿流體沿斷裂上升,在海底沉積成礦。

The global environment consists of the atmosphere , the hydrosphere , and the lithosphere , a mixture of gases extending outward from the surface of the earth , evolved from elements of the earth that were gasified during its formation and the shallow ground water bodies that interflow with the surface water 全球的環境包括大氣圈、水圈和巖石圈以及從地球表面延伸出來的混合氣體,這種氣體形成時由地球表面的元素氣化或淺層地下水與地表水的交流。

Earth ' s atmosphere , hydrosphere , lithosphere , and forms of life are continually changing in response to changes in solar input , movements of earth ' s crust , other natural changes , and changes brought about by humans and other living organisms ( dynamic - earth principle ) 地球的大氣圈、水圈、巖石圈、及生物界一直持續在改變中,以回應太陽輸入能量的變化、地殼的飄移、及其它各種自然環境的變化,以及因人類與各種生物引起的改變。

The major diameter filling pile drilling machine of qj250 - 1 type applies to major diameter bridge pier hole of various geologic conditions such as ravelly ground , clay loam layer , sandy gravel , breaking layer and lithosphere as well as other various major diameter pore forming construction 1型大直徑灌注樁鉆孔機適用于松散地層、粘泥層、砂礫層、破碎層和巖石層等多種地質條件的大直徑橋樁孔,以及其它各種大直徑成孔施工。

The variation of regional stress field can be genetically interpreted by the rotation speed variation of the earth and its impact on the movement of lithosphere plate and deep processes of the earth , it is also related to the earlier structural feature and boundary of the basin 區域應力場變化可以用地球自轉速度變化引起的巖石圈板塊活動及觸發的深部過程來解釋,亦與先期構造形跡和盆地邊界條件有關。

Based on the lithosphere rheology , we use a 3d method in space domain to calculate the flexural stress field of the continental lithoshpere in western china . in this thesis , the vertical variation of the flexural stress field is presented 本文在前人研究的基礎上,依據巖石圈流變學理論,在空間域采用垂直和水平受力的多個變剛度的三維有限差分方法來計算彈性板的撓曲,從而求得相應的撓曲應力場。

This is demonstrated not only by the apparent structural variations with depth in the lithosphere , but also by striking structural con trasts between different lithospheric types , including those of different ages , continental versus oceanic , and cratons versus orogens 這不僅表現為巖石圈性質和結構隨深度的變化而且還反映在不同時代、大陸與海洋以及克拉通和造山帶巖石圈結構特征的顯著差異上。

Marine geology is a course in which the material compositions , formation and evolution of lithosphere covered with sea water at present and the formation and distribution of mineral resources are introduced , studying the geological phenomena in the view of oceanography 本課程主要介紹在現代海水覆蓋下巖石圈的物質組成、形成演化以及礦產形成與分布規律,從海洋科學的角度分析與研究地質問題。

We need to keep in mind that the relationship between seismicity and lithosphere strength , and the regularity in the evolution of continental lithosphere remain ambiguous and further studies are necessary to resolve issues and problems 值得注意的是由于巖石圈本身定義的模糊性及其厚度的不確定性,地震活動與巖石圈強度之間的關系以及大陸巖石圈演化的規律性等問題仍有待于進一步的研究和探索。

These interactions may also serve as important ways for lithosphere recycling and mass exchange between the shallow and deep parts of the earth , which could significantly affect deep mantle convection and surface tectonic processes 這種相互作用被認為是穩定克拉通巖石圈遭受改造甚至破壞的深部機制,同時還是地球深、淺部物質交換的重要方式,因而顯著影響著地球深部的對流和地表的構造過程。

The distinct spatial distribution of the tholeiitic and alkali basalts at datong may be related to the effect of local lithospheric extension on the passive upwelling of asthenosphere and variable extents of interaction between lithosphere and asthenosphere 大同兩類玄武巖在空間上分野明顯,可能與桑干河斷裂對軟流圈地幔上涌的控制以及區域上巖石圈-軟流圈作用程度的變化有關。

One is the effect of quick stretching of lithosphere , upwelling and temperature raising of upper mantle , the other is result of the flexibility discrepancy among upper , lower crust and lithosphere under crust during the lithosphere cooling 該運動以及渤海灣盆地在伸展裂陷階段的多次構造運動說明渤海灣盆地呈現出幕式沉降過程,東營運動則具有更重要的動力學意義。