
lithology n.1.【地質學;地理學】巖性學;巖性。2.【醫學】結石...


With further exploration and development of oil & gas and the development of relevant subject , imaging in complex geological structure and seismic lithology has become urgent problem to be solved 摘要隨著油氣勘探開發的不斷深入及相關學科的發展,復雜地質構造成像與地震巖性成像已成為急需解決的課題。

The segment , es32 , is a set of sedimentation deposited by gravity flow of the near - shore steep slope sublacustrine fen , is formed out of granule roundstone and also features coarse lithology and crude grading Es _ 3 ~ 2段儲層屬近岸陡坡湖底扇重力流沉積,儲層巖性以細礫巖為主,巖性粗、分選性差。

A combined effect of climate , relief , integrated lithology , vegetation and cultivated area seemed to explain the variability of modern chemical weathering and mechanical denudation rates 相比而言,西江和北江流域巖石的整體化學風化進程、 2大類巖性的化學風化程度均較之長江、黃河流域強烈的多。

There develops a suit of meta - spilite baschtaunite system volcanic rocks in the south of lushan mountain . lithology combination reflects the regularity of magma evolution from basic to acid 廬山南麓發育一套變細碧-石英角斑巖系火山巖,巖性組合從早到晚反映了由基性到酸性的巖漿演化規律。

There are three patterns of lateral enclose for the faults of buried hill chegu 20 : sealed by lithology joint , sealed by shale - smear and sealed by high displacement pressure in fault zone 摘要車古20潛山斷層側向封閉有3種模式,即巖性對接封閉、泥巖涂抹封閉和斷裂帶高排替壓力封閉模式。

The traps are frequently controlled both by fault and lithology . because of reservoir with good petrophysics , a better seal and shelter is strongly required for pool formation 圈閉條件常常受斷層和巖性雙重控制;由于儲層物性很好,良好的蓋層和遮擋條件是該區油氣成藏的關鍵因素。

The research on logging lithology identification suggests that svm can overcome the fundamental disadvantages of neural network , and it is a new method to identify lithology 在測井巖性識別方面研究發現,支持向量機方法克服了神經網絡的固有缺陷,提供了一種識別巖性的新方法。

The gas pools exploited in shengli oilfield mainly belong to lithologic traps controlled by fractures and lithology , with closed and size - restricted water 摘要勝利油區目前投入開發的氣藏大多數屬于構造背景上的巖性氣藏,受斷層及巖性的控制,水體是封閉的,其大小是有限的。

They have both the flooding and the intrusive lithofacies , but also have the volcanic and the volcano vent lithofacies , and the lithology is mainly the middle acidic intrusive rocks 既有溢流相,又有侵入巖相,還有次火山巖相和火山通道相;巖性主要以中酸性侵入巖為主。

Nor could any finds be evaluated effectively without geophysical wireline well logs to measure the lithology , porosity , and petroleum content of a reservoir 同樣,如果沒有地球物理電纜測井測量巖性、孔隙度和儲層中石油的含量,對任何發現的圈閉也不可能做到有效評價。

Test of carbonate rock sample ' s dissolution reveals that lithology ' s effects on dissolution mainly lie on their different start - up dissolution velocities 摘要對碳酸鹽巖類巖石樣品的溶蝕試驗表明,巖性對溶蝕的影響主要表現為各類巖石在啟動溶蝕速率上的差異。

It was considered that karstification is the base of reservior formation , and lithology and faulting control the formation and development of internal reservior 其發育規律為:巖溶作用是下古生界儲集層發育的基礎;巖性和斷裂作用決定內幕儲層的形成與發育。

In addition , the integrate interpretation method for lithology and physics parameter of lithology and the trap of avo are discussed in this paper also 同時,還對avo反演的巖石物性參數的綜合解釋、含油氣判別方法技術及avo的陷阱等理論技術進行了研究。

Using gamma ray log , neutron log , density log and sonic log , with the algorithm of fuzzy clustering , we can realize lithology recognition 摘要利用測井數據中的自然伽瑪、中子、聲波和密度測井曲線所蘊含的巖性信息,用模糊聚類算法實現巖性的自動劃分。

Lithofacies and lithology control reservoir ' s formation and growth , so recognition of lithology and lithofacies is critical to igneous rock well logging evaluation 巖相巖性控制著儲層的形成和發育,所以火成巖測井評價的關鍵是巖性及巖相的識別。

The oil - bearing content of oilsand is close to rock lithology , and therefore high oil content occur mainly in fine - grained sandstone and fine - median grained sandstone 油砂含油性與巖性關系密切,含油率較高的油砂巖性主要是細砂巖、中細砂巖。

The authors inferred that it is more reasonable to make lithology ratio graphics with the limiting probability in the fixed vector than with the lithology ratio only 設想運用固定向量中的極限概率代替以往的巖性比率作巖比圖更加合理有意義。

In the profile of aeration zone , the matrix potential of soil water and salt capacity in the soil can be affected by the lithology 即含水量大的地方的水土勢和土壤中總的含鹽量也大,含水量小的地方水土勢和土壤中總的含鹽量也小。

The fractal dimension of aeromagnetic data from bayanhaote basin was calculated and used for highlight and description of lithology 計算了內蒙古巴彥浩特盆地航磁異常的分維數,結果表明分形能突出異常特徵,更好地對巖性進行描述。