
lithography n.石印〔平版印刷〕術;平版印刷品。


The stamps are designed by mr eric chan and printed in lithography with embossment . this is the first set of embossed stamps issued in hong kong 該套郵票由陳超宏設計,以平版加上壓印技術印刷,是香港發行的首套壓印郵票。

Pharmaceutical companies have begun to inspect the first systems for performing bioassays produced by surface logix ' s soft lithography 表面羅技公司使用軟微影術來制作生物測定設備,制藥公司也開始檢視這些初期的系統了。

Mr alec cao , a mainland designer , designs the stamps . this issue was printed in lithography by southern colour print in new zealand 這套郵票是由內地設計師曹國偉設計,并由紐西蘭的southerncolorprint用平版印刷。

He also experimented with many other artistic forms , such as engraving , lithography , water colors , pastels , and painting over copper 他也做了許多藝術性的實驗,例如雕刻,平版印刷,水彩,粉臘筆,以及在銅板上作畫。

This set of stamps is designed by mr . bon kwan and printed in lithography by banknote corporation of america , inc . , usa 這套郵票由關信剛先生設計,并由美國banknotecorporationofamerica , inc .以平版技術印制。

Some of the techniques ( for example , advanced ultraviolet lithography for chip production ) will probably become commercial realities 某些技術,例如拿來生產晶片的高階紫外光蝕刻法,很可能會受到業者廣泛使用。

The research results show that iil can get the high resolution more effectively than conventional optical lithography ( ol ) 研究結果表明,掩模投影成像干涉光刻技術比傳統投影光刻能夠得到更高的光刻分辨率。

This paper introduced the develop level of electron beam lithography in the world and the techniques used in pattern generators 論文首先簡要介紹了國內外電子束曝光技術的發展水平和圖形發生器的工作原理。

The mini - pane and stamp sheetlet are designed by mr . carl cheng and printed in lithography by beijing stamp printing factory 小版張及小型張由鄭志明設計,及由中華人民共和國北京郵票廠以平版印刷技術印制。

The stamps are designed by mr . ken li and printed in lithography and thermography by cartor security printing in france 這些郵票由李錫光先生設計,并由法國cartorsecurityprinting以平版及熱熔印刷印制。

The stamp sheetlet is designed by mr . colin tillyer and printed in lithography by banknote corporation of america , inc . , usa 這套小型張由高天龍設計,及由banknotecorporationofamerica以平版印刷。

Year of the monkey special stamps the stamps are designed by mr . bon kwan and printed in lithography by joh 是次發行的特別郵票揀選了不同品種的猴子作為郵票的主體圖案,藉以表現猴子活潑機靈的一面。

The stamps are designed by local designer mr . bon kwan and printed in lithography by australia post sprintpak 郵票由本地設計師關信剛設計,并由澳洲的australiapostsprintpak以平版印刷技術印制。

With the third harmonic 355nm nd : yag laser as the exposal source , the lithography of su - 8 photoresist is studied 本文采用波長為355nm的三倍頻nd : yag激光作為曝光光源,對su - 8光刻膠進行光刻研究。

The stamps are designed by ms . sofia martins and printed in lithography by southern colour print , new zealand 郵票由sofiamartins女士設計,并由新西蘭southerncolourprint以平版印刷技術印制。

Mr bon kwan designs the stamps of $ 3 and $ 5 and the souvenir sheet . this issue was printed in lithography by joh 面值三元及五元的郵票以及小全張均由關信剛設計。今次的郵票是由joh

The stamps are designed by mr . arde lam and printed in lithography by cartor security printing , france 該套郵票由林炳培先生設計,并由法國cartorsecurityprinting以平版印刷技術印制。

The stamps were designed by mr . wang huming and are printed in lithography by joh . enschede b . v . , the netherlands 這套郵票由王虎鳴設計,并由荷蘭johenschedebv以平版印刷技術印制。

The stamps are designed by mr . michael fung and printed in lithography by joh . enschede b . v . , the netherlands 特別郵票由馮剛華先生設計,由荷蘭的johenschedebv以平版技術印刷。