
lithograph n.【印刷】石〔平〕版,石〔平〕版畫。vt.石印,用平版...


The company own world top - grade of modernization print front , printing , print behind many equipments , have among them all new germany the sea virtuous fortress big folio four color offset lithograph machine , japan small sen whole computer be four color printing machines , germany the sea virtuous fortress pu win 102 whole open laser to shine on row machine , pu day electricity extension , the united states apple profession computer , full - automatic fold page machine , computer control to slice paper machine , germany day horse high speed bask version machine etc . large quantity import printing equipments 公司擁有世界一流的現代化印前、印刷、印后設備多套,其中有全新德國海德堡大對開四色膠印機,日本小森全電腦四色印刷機群,德國海德堡普勝102全開激光照排機、普天電分機、美國蘋果專業電腦、全自動折頁機、電腦控制切紙機、德國天馬高速曬版機等大批進口印刷設備。

In the past , process controls of thick resist lithograph have been studied extensively . on the contrary , much less investigation has been done concerning its imaging transmission . unfortunately , the existent exposure and development simulation models are only appropriate for thin film resist 但目前關于厚層抗蝕劑光刻方面的研究,主要局限于實驗工藝的改進上,對其圖形傳遞機理的研究做得很少,現有的曝光、顯影模型均未考慮厚層抗蝕劑光刻成像的一些特殊屬性,一定程度上制約了厚膠光刻術的深入發展和應用。

Article 52 the term “ reproduction “ as used in this law means the act of producing one or more copies of a work by printing , photocopying , copying , lithographing , making a sound recording or video recording , duplicating a recording , or duplicating a photographic work or by other means 第五十二條本法所稱的復制,指以印刷、復印、臨摹、拓印、錄音、錄像、翻錄、翻拍等方式將作品制作一份或者多份的行為。

He looked up , and then at a large , gilt - framed poster - board , on which was a fine lithograph of carrie , life - size . hurstwood gazed at it a moment , snuffling and hunching one shoulder , as if something were scratching him 他抬頭看去,看見一塊金邊的大布告牌,上面有一幅嘉莉的優美畫像,和真人一般大校赫斯渥盯著畫像看了一會兒,吸著鼻子,聳起一只肩膀,像是有什么東西在抓他。

A lot of micro machining technologies are developed to fabricating memss . recently , lithograph of thick resist has been regarded as an effective and economical technology for manufacturing excellent high - aspect - ratio microstructures ( harms ) 近年來,作為制作優質大高寬比微結構的厚層抗蝕劑光刻術以其工藝簡單、制作成本低等優點受到國際上廣泛重視。

John calcott horsley , a british painter , designed the card for cole , who was the first director of london ' s victoria and albert museum . cole printed 1 , 000 of the cards on a lithograph stone before having them hand - colored 拍賣會上,該圣誕卡片的最終買主是一本名叫日新月異的問候雜志的編輯杰基布朗,他同時還是英國賀卡聯合會的秘書長。

Mir ? also experimented in a wide array of other media , devoting himself to etchings and lithographs for several years in the 1950s and also working in watercolour , pastel , collage , and paint on copper and masonite 米羅也用相當廣泛的媒材來實驗他的想法,在1950年代時有好幾年都沉浸在蝕刻畫及平版印刷之中。

“ let me show you something , “ he said , affably , coming over and taking out of his pocket a little lithographed card which had been issued by a wholesale tobacco company “我給你看點東西。 ”他和氣地說著走了過來,從口袋里掏出一張小小的石印畫卡片。那是一家煙草批發公司發行的。

He did not know painting . he had been brought up on chromos and lithographs that were always definite and sharp , near or far 他不懂得畫,他平生見過的只有彩色石印和石版畫,遠看近看總是輪廓分明線條清晰的。

Rows of trestle tables are stacked with books , maps and old hand - coloured lithographs and wood engravings from all over britain 成排的支桌上堆滿了來自英國各地的書籍、地圖以及古老的手繪平版畫和木刻版畫。

He had been brought up on chromos and lithographs that were always definite and sharp , near or far 他不懂得畫,他平生見過的只有彩色石印和石版畫,遠看近看總是輪廓分明線條清晰的。

These historic works of art will be released to the public as limited editions of signed lithographs 這些藝術歷史作品是以有限的單一的平版版本發行。

This is a space mode deriving and developing from a piece of lithograph of escher in 1953 這是根據埃舍爾1953年的一幅石版畫而衍生發展的空間模型。

Original currier ives lithographs and collector books from the collection of george cohenour 提供以中國藝術品工藝品為主體的文化產品的拍賣服務。

Cole printed 1 , 000 of the cards on a lithograph stone before having them hand - colored 科爾隨即用石版印刷了1000張,之后又讓人給這些卡手工著色。

Lithographed , 3 roman numeral prefix 平版三軌

Also offers conservation and restoration of antique lithographs and prints 關于中國傳統文化及民俗興趣的bbs 。

Has been replaced by a lithograph , 也被換成了一幅石版畫

Diagram 2 - the lithograph under treatment on a suction table 圖二利用真空吸力臺處理版畫