
lithe adj.1.柔軟的。2.敏捷的,輕快的。adv.-ly ...


The curious sentience of the ancient wood manifests itself in many different ways , from the lithe and spiteful dryads , the legions of ephemeral spites , gnarled and tough tree kin , to the most powerful beings within athel loren , the mighty treemen 遠古森林奇異的感知能力展現在很多不同的方式,從身體柔軟而又充滿大量而又短暫惡意的森林女神,外皮粗糙堅硬的樹怪,到艾瑟洛倫最強壯的生物-強大的樹人。

Chuang chuang and lin hui have a chinese chuang chuang weighs 150 kilos 330 pounds , while his partner lin hui is a lithe 115 kilos 253 pounds , said kannika nimtragol , a veterinarian at the chiang mai zoo in northern thailand 泰國北部清邁動物園的獸醫坎尼卡尼姆特拉格爾說: “雄性大熊貓創創目前的體重已達到150公斤,而它的‘小媳婦’林惠只有115公斤。 ”

In so the view offers a brick tiles between authentic , flat lands , upturned eave brackets , five new winding path , go over , piaomaojuanxiu constitute a thorough warm , lithe cheong long lingnan style 于天光云影間映襯出青磚灰瓦、粉墻綠樹、斗拱飛檐、迥廊曲徑、色調明朗、樸茂雋秀,構成一種通透典雅、輕盈暢朗的嶺南格調。

Chuang chuang weighs 150 kilos ( 330 pounds ) , while his partner lin hui is a lithe 115 kilos ( 253 pounds ) , said kannika nimtragol , a veterinarian at the chiang mai zoo in northern thailand 泰國北部清邁動物園的獸醫坎尼卡?尼姆特拉格爾說: “雄性大熊貓創創目前的體重已達到150公斤,而它的‘小媳婦’林惠只有115公斤。 ”

Chuang chuang weighs 150 kilos 330 pounds , while his partner lin hui is a lithe 115 kilos 253 pounds , said kannika nimtragol , a veterinarian at the chiang mai zoo in northern thailand 泰國北部清邁動物園的獸醫坎尼卡尼姆特拉格爾說: “雄性大熊貓創創目前的體重已達到150公斤,而它的‘小媳婦’林惠只有115公斤。 ”

Mr bloom watched curiously , kindly , the lithe black form . clean to see : the gloss of her sleek hide , the white button under the butt of her tail , the green flashing eyes 布盧姆先生充滿好奇地凝視著它那綿軟的黑色身姿,看上去干凈利落,柔滑的毛皮富于光澤,尾根部一塊鈕扣狀的白斑,綠色的眼睛閃閃發光。

Then she effaced herself , disappearing noiselessly with the lithe , serpentine movement wherewith she was wont to withdraw from a room on the arrival of a gentleman 隨后,佐愛不見了,她不聲不響地走了,她從房間出去的動作像水蛇一樣敏捷,如同來了一個男客,她立刻退出房間一樣。

The collie is a lithe , strong , responsive , active dog , carrying no useless timber , standing naturally straight and firm 柯利犬是一種柔韌、結實、積極、活潑的品種,意味著他沒有無價值的地方,自然站立時,整齊而穩固。

The models in the miss seeker , guided by the footsteps marched toward lithe their point shooting and took off his white windbreaker 模特們在導引小姐的導引下,邁著輕盈的腳步走向自己的拍攝點,脫下白色的風衣。

Mrs platow was lithe , amiable , subtle , with an eye always to the main social chance - in other words , a chimber 蒲拉托夫人靈活,和藹而又精明,眼睛總是盯著結交權貴的好機會? ?換句話說,他是個拼命向上爬的女人。

Reminds me of the snow - white lived in the deep forest , far away from the stately castle , far away from her own lithe and cozy bed 讓我想起,住在森林里的白雪公主,遠離堂皇的城堡,不能睡在自己柔軟舒服的床上。

France provide a trio of aspirants , led by their lithe , graceful and lightning - quick striker , thierry henry 法國提供了3名候選人,由身體柔韌、動作優美、有著閃電般速度的射手蒂埃里?亨利領銜。

A striking silhouette shows off the lithe form of a cheetah approaching a tree for a late afternoon slumber 這張惹人注目的剪影照片顯現出一頭走向一棵樹準備午后小憩的獵豹的矯健的身影。

Pageant officials immediately said the lithe 5 - foot - 9 18 - year - old was all right and had fainted . “ she ' s ok 大賽負責人立刻說這位5 . 9英尺高纖弱的18歲少女沒有大礙,只是暈倒了。

The ideal oriental is a svelte cat with long , tapering lines , very lithe but muscular 理想的東方貓應該是一只苗條而又細長的貓,尖細的線條,非常柔軟但肌肉發達。

But i put aside twenty - five or fifty cents when i could afford it for my lithe girl ' s christmas presents 但我盡可能每個月存25或50美分以備給小女兒買圣誕禮物。

Introduction : squat , taxiways , speeding up , vacated synchronized skiing is so lithe , so gorgeous 下蹲,滑行,加速,騰空花樣滑雪就是這般輕盈,這般華麗。

But even so , her smooth lithe body was a delight to undress and made me hard again 但是雖然如此,她光滑的身體吸引我脫掉她的衣服并且讓我又硬了。

Squat , taxiways , speeding up , vacated synchronized skiing is so lithe , so gorgeous 下蹲,滑行,加速,騰空花樣滑雪就是這般輕盈,這般華麗。