
literature n.1.文學,文學作品。2.文獻。3.文學研究;著作業,...


Such terms as “injectivity“ are frequently encountered in the literature . 在文獻中經常見到“注入度”這樣的術語。

Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in spain . 請寄給我所有你在西班牙野營度假的宣傳材料。

If their society was in decay, literature itself showed every sign of life . 雖然社會腐敗,文學本身卻生氣勃勃。

I was invited to greenwich village to discuss literature and ideas . 我被邀請到格林威治村去談論文學,交流思想。

I wonder if the literature can be put in straightforward chinese . 我不知道那些說明書能不能譯成簡明易懂的中文。

It is this that constitutes her importance in american literature . 正因為這樣,她才在美國文學中占有重要地位。

The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes . 某一時期的文學可反映出該時期的價值觀念和審美觀念。

This is often done in the literature for reason of a simpler presentation . 為了簡化說明常常在文獻中這樣做。

Perhaps it is to english literature that we must look for a clue . 或許我們得從英國文學作品中尋找一點啟示。

The importance of the subject is suggested by a voluminous literature . 很多文獻提到了這個問題的重要性。

Rome is still aggressive in modern literature and criticism . 羅馬在近代文學和評論中依然是富有侵略性的。

He had the students all in a state of exaltation about literature . 他使那些學生對文學產生了濃厚的興趣。

I thought i was making a notable addition to american literature . 我還以為我為美國文學增添了光采呢。

You are too superficial to appreciate great literature like this . 你沒有鉆勁,無法欣賞這類文學巨著。

I'm going to england without a protest. all for literature . 我要毫無怨言地到英國去。全是為了文學啊。

He studies classical literature , but also takes an interest in history . 他專攻古典文學,旁及歷史。

Optical depth and optical path are often confused in the literature . 文獻中光學厚度和光程時常混淆。

We talked about music , painting , literature and the like . 音樂、繪畫、文學什么的,我們都談到了。

Save for this annual incursion, they left literature alone . 除了這一年一度的例外,他們與文學無緣。