
literati n.〔pl.〕 (sing. -tus ) 〔拉丁語〕 ...


A lot of literati were born and bred or started their career in hangzhou since the ancient times 自古文風熾盛,有眾多的文士騷客,生于或履職與此。

An interpretation of the artistic life of the literati in wei , jin and the south - north dynasty 關于魏晉南北朝文人藝術化生命狀態一種的解讀

The argument concerning hongdumen academy and the literary concept of the literati group in late han 鴻都門學之爭與漢末文人群體的文學觀念

Impact of quot; literati painting quot; on the artistic ideology of chinese classical garden design 文人畫對中國古典園林設計藝術思想的影響

A comparison between paintings by amateur literati in the qing dynasty and western modern painting 中國明清文人畫與西方現代派繪畫之比較

On quot; garden as painting quot; reflected in the literati impressionistic gardens of ancient china 在中國古代文人寫意山水園中的體現

Discussing the literati creating tendency during the course of transmuting of quot; san yan 論三言二拍嬗變作品所體現的時事化創作傾向

On the literati and officialdom ' s carrying forward the spirit of moral reason in the song dynasty 論宋代士大夫對道德理性精神的弘揚

A transformtion in literati painting as reflected from the northern song to the southern song dynasties 論文人畫從北宋到南宋之變

A briefly analysis on the relationship between literati and buddhism in east jin and south dynasty 東晉南朝士人與佛教之關系淺析

2005 literati vista vs . contemporary view , tung hai university art center , taichung 2005文人情境與當代視野東海大學藝術中心臺中

Su yuanlei ( 1908 - 1995 ) was a famous literati , chinese historian , calligrapher , poet in china 中國著名歷史學家、文學家、詩人。

On jizi - concurrently on the various issues for the first generation of ancient ghinese literati 兼論中國古代第一代文化人諸問題

An analysis of literati ' s attitude toward politics in the period of ming and qing dynasties 關于明清之際士人的一種姿態的分析

Study of psychology of literati permeating the world of fox fairy and spirit by pu songling 滲透在蒲松齡狐鬼世界中的文人心態

A probe into lower class literati ' s internal motives in choosing zaju drama in yuan dynasty 元代下層文人選擇雜劇的心態試探

Local ideology and decentralization thought of literati in jiangnan in late ming dynasty 晚明江南人士的地方意識與分權思想

The center hosts the conference on ming literati collections and ming studies 召開明人文集與明代研究學術研討會。

Literati ' s addiction for wine and practice on wisdom of life in the wei and jin dynasties 魏晉文士嗜酒與生命智慧的踐行