
literate adj.1.有學問的,有文化的;能寫能讀的 (opp. ...


Aspen media literacy conference proceedings , 1992 : a media literate person can access , analyze , evaluate , and produce both print and electronic media 一個具備媒介素養的人具備獲取、分析、評價、使用印刷的和電子的媒體的能力。

Literate parents are also more likely to raise healthier children , whose horizons will stretch far beyond their own homes and villages 識字的父母親也比較可能養育出更健康的孩子,這些孩子的視野將遠超出他們的自己的家庭及村莊。

Mei is still determined to help the villagers become literate and fashioned her home into a classroom after the actual school building collapsed 梅依然堅定不移地幫助村民讀書識字,在校舍坍塌后她把自己的屋子改造成了教室。

Montessori schools work to develop culturally literate children and nurture their fragile sparks of curiosity , creativity , and intelligence 蒙特梭利學校致力于培養精通各國文化的孩子們并激發他們的好奇心、創造力和智力。

And it s very interesting . if you talk to the most literate person or the most illiterate person , they understand those basics about democracy 韓國向伊拉克派遣了大批部隊,并承擔了阿富汗一個省重建工程的指揮工作。

Have the morality , literate , worker team that has discipline , the quality that improves the working class in the round has far - reaching sense 有道德、有文化、有紀律的職工隊伍,全面提高工人階級的素質具有深遠意義。

For instance , it is likely that comments of this kind could be tied in with some sort of literate ( or at least , semiliterate ) programming framework 例如,這種注釋也或許能夠和某種文字(至少半文盲)程序框架結合。

The text also uses literate study method and case method to build up the theory analysis frame 本文主要采用文獻研究法和個案分析法,來構建起本文的理論分析框架,并用這個理論分析框架去分析實際情況。

Once there ' s literacy in a family , it ' s almost always there to stay , as literate parents raise literate children 一旦家中有人識字,幾乎一定會流傳下去,因為識字的父母親會養育出識字的孩子。

Her mom is a piano teacher , so it ' s no wonder that sheryl , and her two sisters , were all musically literate 謝樂爾的母親是一位鋼琴教師,因此謝樂爾和她的兩個姐姐都通曉樂理就不足為奇了。

Before my father had finished his middle school education , no one within three generations was literate in the family 在我父親中學畢業以前,奶奶爺爺前后三代人中沒有一人算得上知識分子。

Drucker , p . f . “ drucker on management : be data literate - - know what to know . “ wall street journal , december 1 , 1992 資料的認知:了解您應該知道的資料于《華爾街期刊》 , 1992年12月1日。

The literacy rate is 53 % nationally . men are generally more literate than women - 64 % to 39 % respectively 印度民族受教育的比率是全國人口的53 。男人比女人多受教育的比數是64及39 。

We draw squiggles on a page to represent abstract ideas , and every literate person understands them as words 我們在紙片上胡亂涂鴉表達抽象概念,每一個學者可以把他們理解成文字。

“ you can demonstrate a program for a corporate executive , but you can ' t make him computer literate . “你可以向一位公司主管演示一套程序,但你不能讓他的電腦變得象人一樣。 ”

It consists of just one file and is extensively commented , almost to the point of literate programming ) 。它只有一個文件,而且有詳盡的注解,相當于一本編程書籍。

Not surprisingly , van der vink wants his students to be both scientifically and politically literate 毫不令人意外的,范德文克希望他的學生可以兼具科學與政治素養。

Standard one : the information literate student determines the nature and extent of the information needed 標準一:有信息素養的學生有能力決定所需信息的*質和范圍。

Before the 1979 revolution 35 percent of women were literate ; now the rate stands at 74 percent 在1979年革命之前有35 %的婦女受過教育,現在這個比例上升到74 % 。