
literary adj.1.文學的,文學上的。2.通文學的;喜歡文學的;...


We find complete agreement among the early eighteenth century literary leaders of society . 我們發現十八世紀初期的文壇領袖們的完全一致性。

Some ambitious literary men forgot their old friends when promoted to high places . 一些野心勃勃的文人,一旦躋身高位就忘記了舊時的朋友。

Only antiquarians and literary amateurs care to look at the gardens with much interest . 只有考古學家和文學愛好者還會在花園里流連忘返。

The literary conceptions which prevailed were in consonance with the social structure . 當時流行的文學思想是與當時的社會結構相一致的。

In the 20th century, literary source criticism has been supplemented by form criticism . 在20世紀,文學的出處考據補充進了形式考據。

Their inadequacy brings us back to the general inadequacy of the literary world of concord . 它們的不足應歸咎子康考德文藝界的貧乏。

The statement is an interesting clue to both his temperament and his literary method . 從這句話里,人們可以略知他的氣質和寫作方法。

The style, as a whole, is that of the traveller on his best literary behaviour . 它的文體,大體上說,正是一位旅人在抒發其妙筆之思。

The best literary talent was drawn to it, or to new england within reach of it . 第一流的文人都聚集在那里或是鄰近的新英格蘭地區。

It also helps to throw into relief their common search for literary kingdom . 這也可以幫助我們了解他們對于文學王國的共同探索。

The statement is an interesting clue to both his temperament and his literary method . 從這句話里可以略知他的氣質和寫作方法。

He was a literary hack, naturally fast in pace and brilliant in action . 他是個雇傭文人,不過天生下筆千言,很有些才氣而已。

In his hands, comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon . 在他的手里,詼諧的方言,俚語成了完美的文字武器。

The use of documentary elements in novels is associated with literary naturalism . 小說中采用紀實成分與文學自然主義有聯系。

In literary criticism the traditionalists were more articulate and aggressive . 傳統主義者更善于文學批評,而且行動積極。

He acquired an enviable reputation in literary and art circles for his artistic ability . 他的藝術才能使他蜚聲文藝界。

Goebbels felt at ease in the company of literary and movie people . 戈培爾在文學界和電影界中崇敬者的簇擁下怡然自得。

These writings burst upon the london literary scene with an explosive vitality . 這些篇章以嶄新的活力闖入倫敦文壇。

The english themselves are somewhat insular in their literary appraisals . 英國人評價自己的文學,也不免有偏狹處。