
literariness n.文學性,文藝性。


We may explain literariness by the family - resemblance from wittgenstein ' s concept : the literariness represented in literary works is not the identity of literary works , but a kind of unity ; therefore , we cannot master it with inductive or analytic methods , but can only comprehend it in the concrete existence of the literature 其具體存在方式可以用維特根斯坦提出的“家族相似性”理論予以說明:文學作品所體現的文學性不是文學作品的同一性,而是某種統一性,因此,我們不可能以歸納思維或分析思維確切地把握它,而只能在文學的具體存在中意會。

The rising of the american school promotes the advancement of world literature in comparative literature , because there is internal commonness in world literature and literariness , general literature , common poetics put forward by the american school “世界文學”在比較文學中地位的提升得益于美國學派的崛起,因為美國學派倡導的“文學性” 、 “總體文學” 、 “共同詩學”研究與“世界文學”有內在的共通性。

Among them , the historical thought is the building real sincere news boundary key ; the philosophy thought is the building dialectical profound news work boundary key ; literariness thought is builds the deep affection multi - colors the news boundary key 其中,歷史性思維是營造真實厚重的新聞境界的關鍵;哲學性思維是營造辯證深刻的新聞作品境界的關鍵;文學性思維是營造濃情多彩的新聞境界的關鍵。

Such a tendency has brought the experimental drama in contemporary china several fresh and vivid features : space motility , exquisiteness in performance , moment reception and feeling , the increased visualization and the decreased literariness 電影化傾向給當代中國實驗性話劇文體帶來一些新鮮而生動的特質: “空間的能動性” 、表演的細膩性和瞬間感受性以及視聽性的增強和文學性的弱化等。

The paper attempts to take an overall feminist and existential glance of the female heroines in the novel - a brilliant picture of male writing female out of the prejudiced opinion of the writer , which proves criticism might be a blending of literariness and academy 通過對生命不能承受之輕作一女性主義的勝攬和存在主義的洞見,旨在達成某種程度上的文學性和學術性兼具的批評向往。

This paper explores the beginning of the literariness and its background , connotation and value through the concentration of the literariness in the classical texts of confucianism , taoism and mohism 本文力圖從先秦儒道墨三家經典文本中對文學性的或正或反兩方面的關注入手來發掘這種文學性的初始肇端及其背景、內涵和價值意義。

The theory of wen and bi in literary criticism of the six dynasties presents on one hand the critics ' understanding of literariness at that time , and on the other , the progressive development of literary theories 摘要六朝時期文學批評上提出的“文筆”論,體現了其時批評家們對文學性的認識,反映了文學觀念的演進過程。

Since the establishment of china , the textbooks of the theory of literature had a great development : from adhered to the philosophy to emphasize the literariness and appreciation of the beautiful 摘要建國以來,文學理論教科書的編寫工作經歷了從哲學的嚴重依附到回歸文學的審美、人文本性這樣一個發展的過程。

The sages in pre - qin period generally put a high premium on content ( or doctrine ) , but it does not mean that they did not consider the literariness of the impending formation of literature subconsciously 先秦的哲人們雖然總體上是尚質(尚道)輕文的,但是并沒有排除他們對此后即將形成的文學的文學性的思考。

This thesis proposed that , literariness is not the general character of literary works , but is the special nature of literature itself , just as the forest ' s nature is not the general character of trees in the forest 由于文學整體具有穩定性,因此,文學性雖然不是實體性的存在,但也不完全由歷史語境造成。

Just as jameson ' s theory of the political unconscious provides an allegorical model of reading of texts , so de man ' s linguistics of literariness persistently performs a political reading of ideology 正如詹姆遜的政治無意識理論提供了一種寓言閱讀模式,德曼的文學語言學對意識形態總是作出不懈的政治解讀。

From the analyse of several representative textbooks we could see that the writing of the books should keep pace with the development of times , and insist on the literariness and humanistic spirit 通過對幾本有代表性的教材的分析,可以看出文學理論教材的編寫要與時俱進,并且要堅持文學本位和人文精神。

Despite the fact that novelist - turned - filmmaker lee chang - dong has chosen film as his medium of expression in the recent decade , his work continues to imply a distinctive literariness 前身為小說作家的李滄東,雖然以電影作為表達的媒體,但作品亦往往流露一種文學性。

Not contented with traditional literary research , russian formalism puts forward the notion of “ literariness , “ and offers “ defamiliarization “ as a solution 摘要俄國形式主義出于對傳統文學研究的不滿,提出“文學性”的問題,并以“陌生化”作為解答。

The main problem of contemporary chinese cultural criticism does not lie in the disappearance of literariness but in the gradual loss of critical spirit 摘要中國當代文化批評的主要問題不在于它丟失了文學性,而在于其批判精神的不斷流失。

The matter of literariness being duscussed in our time centers on the problem of orientation of literature identification in social changes 摘要“文學性”問題,在今天主要討論的是社會變遷中的文學身份定位問題。

Literariness in literature history - on white ' s history of narratology to literature history 海登183 ;懷特的歷史敘事學理論對文學史研究與寫作的啟示

Partly hidden and partly visible : the formation of literariness and the pre - qin confucianism , taoism and mohism 文學性生成與先秦儒道墨三家

Yet the heavy morality colour affects the literariness of these works 但由于道德色彩太濃,影響了這些作品的文學性。