
literally adv.1.照字義;逐字地。2.確實,真正,完全。3.差...


Literally speaking , the consumer logic takes over 確切地說,消費者成了主導。

Fly 27 hours straight literally around the world , 連續飛了27個小時繞地球飛了幾圈

However , i literally fell in love with these boys , 但是,我卻愛上了這些男孩,

Every thing he seen is scary him to death , literally 他看到的東西都會把他嚇死

We ' ve been here literally the entire time you have 你在這里的時候我們一直都在

He had enough of it literally to kill a horse 它吸入了足夠可以殺死一匹馬的劑量

You are literally flying high on your own 你實際上是憑你自己的力量飛到這么高。

The friend described the geologist's reaction as the “only occasion on which i saw a man literally foaming at the mouth. “ 這位朋友在談到那位地質學家的反應時說:“這是我唯一的一次看到一個人簡直氣得暴跳如雷。

Literally thousands of concrete dams are providing water supply shortage, irrigation, flood control, and power generation . 可以毫不夸張地說,有成千上萬座混凝土水壩正在供灌溉,給水、防洪、發電之用。

I mean literally that she pushes the search for perfection too far that her merits are in themselves overstrained . 我的確切意思是,她對完美的要求提得太高,這么一來,她就過分渲染了她自己的優點。

Quite famous is the “eclipse wind“, which sometimes in the very last moment literally disperses the veil before the sun . 如象著名的“日食風”,它有時簡直就是在最后的時刻拉開了太陽的面紗。

Brazil is trying to develop energy from its immense resources of biological materials by literally growing its own fuel . 巴西腳踏實地生產自己的燃料,正試圖從豐富的生物資源中開發能源。

But i had never conceived that designs and strategies of previous periods could be applied literally to the present . 但是,我從來沒有設想從前的雄圖和戰略可以原原本本地適用于現在。

In the photon picture, an electron literally absorbs a blast of energy as opposed to a gradual trickle . 在光子圖像中,一個電子確確實實是一下子吸收一股能量,而不是逐漸地吸收。

She, who was standing literally with her back against the wall, gave a little gulp, and that was all her answer . 她已經等于抵著墻壁站著,這時候噎了一口氣,算是她唯一的回答。

I had never conceived that designs and strategies of previous periods could be applied literally to the present . 我從來沒有設想,從前的雄圖和戰略,可以原原本本地適用于現在。

Penkovsky handed over literally thousands of documents dealing with the most sensitive soviet military systems . 潘科夫斯基提供了差不多幾千份有關蘇聯軍事系統的最機密的文件。

Quite often the things that human beings do appear literally incredible although in fact they have done them . 人生有些行為,雖然千真萬確,但從事情本身看,往往象是不可能的。

I had never conceived that designs and strategies of previous periods could be applied literally to the present . 我從來沒有設想從前的雄圖和戰略,可以原原本本地適用于現在。