
literal adj.1.文字的,文字上的。2.字面上的,逐字逐句的。...

literal contract

Optionally typing literal text directly on the form 直接在窗體上鍵入文本(可選) 。

Lu xun ' s literal translation and change of culture 文化轉型與魯迅的直譯理論

His interpretation of the music was rather too literal 那音樂他演奏得未免太乏味了

Represents a literal code fragment that can be compiled 表示可編譯的原義代碼片段。

Defines the literal node in a query expression tree 定義查詢表達式樹中的文字節點。

The second call passes the literal value 9 . 0 to 第二個調用將文本值9 . 0傳遞給

This example returns the square root of a numeric literal 此示例返回數值的平方根。

Is tacked on to the representation of the literal value 被附加到了文字值的表示中。

S can all be specified as literal values in el expressions 都可以被指定為文字值。

String literals in c that are interpreted verbatim 在c #中逐字解釋的字符串。

A literal value , such as numeric or character data 一個如數字或字符數據這樣的值。

A numeric integer literal is cast by default to the 默認情況下,數值整數文本轉換為

But pictures are more than literal representations 但是圖表示更多于文字上的表述。

Literal characters are not affected by this method 原義字符不受此方法影響。

If the literal fits within 8 , 000 bytes 如果二進制文本在8000個字節以內,將參數化為

It s called the document literal wrapped pattern 它就是文檔/文字包裝的樣式。

True the data type can be expressed as a literal True數據類型可以以文本形式表示。

Literal interpretation : a preferable method for the rule of law 法律方法的優位選擇

To allow literals to be added back ; otherwise , 如果允許往回添加原義字符,則為