
liter n.〔美國〕 = litre.


Oil filter of 20 liters of vacuum 20升真空濾油機

5oo liters last a week , dr 500公升維持一星期,博士

The system can desalinate up to 600 liters of brackish water a day 這個系統一天可以將高于600公升的鹽水去鹽。

It is powered by a 1 . 6 liters turbocharged unit that delivers 218 hp 它是一款1 . 6升渦輪增壓裝置,提供218馬力

By 1859 , california was producing almost 2 million liters of wine 到1859年,加州生產的葡萄酒將近200萬升。

100 liters of box explosion - pr 100升箱式防爆型濾油機

Pumps 30 liters of blood a minute 每分鐘可以失血30升

A liter is equal to 1 , 000 c . c 一公升等于一千毫升。

The bottle holds a liter of beer 這個瓶子裝一升啤酒。

A metric unit of liquid capacity or volume equal to100 liters 百升公制液體或體積容量單位,等于100升

Storage quantities vary from a few liters to many thousands of gallons 儲存量從幾升到成千上萬加侖。

The liquid was 7 liters in volume 翻譯這些液體的體積是7升。

And sprays the carwith petrol , 20 liters of petrol all over the kadett 把汽油澆在車上,整整20公升

A metric unit of dry capacity or volume equal to100 liters 百升公制固體容量或體積單位,等于100升

What ' s a liter ? oh , yeah , and for you 一公升什么?給你的是

Six - liter water closets equipped with a dual flushing device 裝有雙沖水裝置的6升容量的抽水馬桶

Firewood , 2 liters milk per day and 12 schillings per month 還有柴火,每天2升牛奶一個月12先令

63 liters of stainless steel strain the oil car 63升不銹鋼濾油車

Daily you will breath in 1 liter of other peoples ' anal gases 每天你都會吸入別人一公升的屁。