
litchi n.【植物;植物學】荔枝樹;荔枝。


The results show that , the agricultural products , with lowest production values ' ecological footprints and highest ecological and economic benefits , include sweet potato , tobacco , vegetable , melon , fruit , birds meat , pineapple , litchi , orange , longan , mango , rubber , coffee , tea , pepper and cashew nut ; the products with lower ecological footprints and higher benefits , include sugar , milk , birds egg and banana ; the products with high ecological footprints and low benefits , include pork and freshwater products ; the products with higher ecological footprints and lower benefits , include corn , soybean , seafood and betelnut ; the products with highest ecological footprints and lowest benefits , include oil plant , beef , mutton and timber 結果表明,蕃薯、土煙、蔬菜、瓜類、水果、禽肉、菠蘿、荔枝、柑枯橙、龍眼、芒果、橡膠、咖啡、茶葉、胡椒、腰果的產值足跡最低,其生態經濟效益最高;糖蔗、奶類、禽蛋、香蕉的產值足跡較低,其生態經濟效益較高;豬肉、淡水產品的產值足跡高,其生態經濟效益低;谷物、大豆、海產品、檳榔的產值足跡較高,其生態經濟效益較低;油料、牛肉、羊肉、木材的產值足跡最高,其生態經濟效益最低。

Tumor has some of avoid certain food after patient art , if flesh of flocks and herds is of hair , still have the chicken , egg , seafood , fish that do not have lin , mango , banana , litchi these are big hair , want avoid certain food , recuperation body is very main , but the thing of hair also wants to notice , because ate malignant tumor cell very sensitive to these things , excuse me besides above the thing that there still is what avoid certain food besides the thing that i say 腫瘤病人術后有些忌口,如牛羊肉是發的、還有雞肉、雞蛋、海鮮、無麟魚、芒果、香蕉、荔枝這些都是大發的,要忌口,調理身體很重要,但發的東西也要注重,因為吃了惡性腫瘤細胞對這些東西很敏感,請問除了上面我說的東西之外還有哪些忌口的東西。

The crop and plant cultivation in three gorges in the song dynasty had developed on the whole as a result of the popularity of the planting of wheat , millet , beans , and rice , the reasonable cultivation of mulberry , sesame , oranges , and litchi 以麥、粟、豆、稻為主的糧食作物的推廣種植,以桑麻、茶葉為主的經濟作物的合理栽培,使宋代三峽地區的農業種植業得到了比較廠碩士學住論文wmas w ’ ’ ’ ’ stesis全面的發展。

Due to the natural conditions of sunshine and heat , it suits the growing of thermophilic cash crops such as banana , litchi , longan , pineapple , sugarcane , rubber , sisal and so on , which enables guangdong to become an important production base of vegetables transported to north china in winter 廣東地區光熱條件適宜香蕉、荔枝、龍眼、菠蘿、甘蔗、橡膠、劍麻等喜溫經濟作物的生產,也使其成為國內冬季重要的北運菜生產基地。

The bamboo shoot is unique among vegetarian food , and so are the following , each in its class : the litchi among fruit , the crab among shellfish , wine among drinks , the moon in the firmament , the west lake among hills and water , and the sung tze and the chu in literature 筍為蔬中尤物,荔枝為果中尤物,蟹為水族中尤物,酒為飲食中尤物,酒為飲食中尤物,月為天文中尤物,西糊為山水中尤物,詞曲為文字中尤物。

Changping is located at the east part of dongguan city , the area of the town is situated at the golden section of pearl river delta . lt is a town with a population of 60 , 000 . 108squa - - re km in area , and also a famous home of overseas chinese and litchi 常平鎮位于東莞市東部地區,地處珠江三角洲的黃金地段,面積108平方公里,人口6萬多人,是東莞市著名的僑鄉、荔鄉之一。

Here grow many fine fruits and vegetables such as mushrooms , longans , litchis , bamboo shoots , pomelos , peaches , persimmons as well as famous and unique seafood like yellow croakers , rockfish , paired shrimps , oyster and erdu blook clams 境內盛產食用菌、龍眼、荔枝、筍、柚、桃、柿等果蔬佳品和大黃魚、石斑魚、對蝦、牡蠣、二都蚶等名優特海產品。

There are rich material resources in shenzhen with great quantity of farm produce like “ three yellow chickens “ of longgang , litchi of nantou , peaches of nanshan , pears of shiyan , mandarin orange of jingui , square persimmons of guanghua 深圳物產豐富,盛產龍崗“三黃雞” 、南頭荔枝、南山桃、石巖沙梨、金龜桔、龍華方柿等農副產品。

Stir fry in 4 fold hot oil . drop finely chopped garlic and gan bamboo shoots into hot oil , then add litchi , hot red peppers and prawns , toss a few times , add soup , salt , msg , sugar and thicken with cornstarch solution 鍋留底油,放少許蒜茸和千島汁,然后把雞球放入,再加芡湯鹽雞粉香油胡椒粉炒均,勾芡點明油出鍋,放在盤中

Surrounded by litchi , bamboo and jackfruit trees , embellished with rustic style thatched pavilions and open - air dining tables on the lawn , the garden is a beautiful place for outdoor dining 園內布滿荔枝樹青竹菠蘿蜜等植物,草地上點綴著鄉村風格的毛草亭和露天餐桌,是戶外火鍋晚餐和宵夜的理想場所。

The area of fruit trees is 4 . 3089 million mu . litchi , longan and bananas are famous the world over . aquatic products like perches , garrupas , lobsters , squids , crab and oysters are abundant 89萬畝,荔枝、龍眼、香蕉等嶺南佳果享譽中外;盛產鱸魚、石斑、龍蝦、魷魚、膏蟹、蠔等水產品。

Wu yao and wang in accidental circumstances , the cavaliers have killed more powerful , more cunning , so they become an indispensable right - hand man - litchi 而巫妖王在偶然的情況下,讓死亡騎士們變得更為強大,也更為狡猾,于是他們成為荔枝王不可或缺的左右手。

Besides , production bases of great stretches of litchi and longan have become some attractive spots for tourists from home and abroad 此外,區域化連片的荔枝、龍眼生產基地已成了生態農業亮麗的旅游景點,吸引了國內外不少游客前往旅游觀光。

These is a suite design of the beautiful 荔 park of the flank of the litchi park in shenzhen , the whole rush that seemed to be so in 2001 with helpless 這是深圳荔枝公園旁邊的美荔園的一個套房設計,整個2001年顯得那么的匆忙和無奈。

The vessel elements of secondary xylem in litchi chinensis are observed and studied by bio - microscope image analysis system and micrography 摘要運用細胞圖像分析系統及顯微照相的方法,對荔枝次生木質部導管分子進行了觀察研究。

Palate : rich and delicious . very sweet taste . fresh and fruity . all kind of exotic aromas such as litchis and honey melon 口感:豐厚而又美味,象蜂蜜般香甜、新鮮的果香和花香,奇特的香味就象荔枝、蜂蜜、檸檬,非常可口。

Application of putrescine increased antioxidant enzymes activities in the ovaries and extended the stigma receptivity in litchi chinensis 外源腐胺提高荔枝子房中抗氧化酶活性和延長柱頭容受性

Effects of simulated acid rain on exchangeable cation transplant and acidifying potential in litchi orchard soils 模擬酸雨對果園土壤交換性陽離子遷移及其對土壤酸化的影響

Changes of pericarp color and the content of anthocyanin and flavonoids in litchi pericarp during chilling - injuried temperature storage 花色素苷和類黃酮含量的變化