
litany n.1.【宗教】啟應禱文。2.(枯燥、重復的)連續不斷的...


They were there gathered together without distinction of social class and a most edifying spectacle it was to see in that simple fane beside the waves , after the storms of this weary world , kneeling before the feet of the immaculate , reciting the litany of our lady of loreto , beseeching her to intercede for them , the old familiar words , holy mary , holy virgin of virgins 大家聚集在那里,彼此間沒有社會階層的畛域那是最為感人的情景。飽經令人厭倦的現世風暴后,在浪濤旁邊這座簡陋的教堂里,跪在無染原罪圣母的腳下,口誦洛雷托圣母22的啟應禱文。用自古以來說慣了的圣母瑪利亞童貞中之圣童貞等等稱呼,懇請她代他們祈求。

We walked through the flaring streets , jostled by drunken men and bargaining women , amid the curses of laborers , the shrill litanies of shop - boys who stood on guard by the barrels of pigs cheeks , the nasal chanting of streetsingers , who sang a come - all - you about o ? onovan rosa , or a ballad about the troubles in our native land 星期六晚上,我嬸嬸要上街去買東西,我得跟著去幫她拿購買的物品,燈火通明的大街上熙熙攘攘,我和嬸嬸在醉漢和討價還價的婦人們中間擠來擠去。

He heard the generals report , the subject of which was chiefly a criticism of the position of the troops before tsarevo - zaimishtche , just as he had heard denisov , and just as , seven years before , he had heard the discussions of the military council before austerlitz . he was obviously hearing it simply because he had ears , and although one of them was stuffed up with cotton - wool they could not help hearing . but it was obvious that nothing that general could possibly say could surprise or interest him , that he knew beforehand all he would be told , and listened only because he had to listen to it , just as one has to listen to the litany being sung ,正如他聽杰尼索夫的陳述和七年前在奧斯特利茨軍事會議上聽那些爭論一樣,他之所以聽,只是因為他長著兩只耳朵,不得不聽,盡管他的一只耳朵里還塞著一小段海船的纜索不過顯而易見,那個執勤的將軍對他所能說的話,不僅沒有一點可以使他吃驚或引起他的興趣,而且他事前全知道他要說的話,他之所以聽完這一切,只是因為不得不聽完,正如不得不聽完那像念經似的祈禱文一樣。

Although the doctors forbade her going out early in the morning , natasha insisted on keeping the fast , and not simply as it was kept in the rostovs household , by taking part in three services in the house , but keeping it as agrafena ivanova was doing , that is to say , for a whole week , not missing a single early morning service , or litany , or vesper 盡管醫囑禁止一大早外出,娜塔莎還是堅持要這樣做,這種齋戒祈禱不像羅斯托夫家通常在家里作的那種也就只進行三次就完了的祈禱,而是要像阿格拉菲娜伊萬諾夫娜那樣,整個星期都不錯過晚禱彌撒和晨禱。

Everythingthe carriage driving along the street , the summons to dinner , the maid asking which dress to get out ; worse stillwords of faint , feigned sympathyset the wound smarting , seemed an insult to it , and jarred on that needful silence in which both were trying to listen to the stern , terrible litany that had not yet died away in their ears , and to gaze into the mysterious , endless vistas that seemed for a moment to have been unveiled before them 所有的事情:大街上急速馳過的一輛馬車,請用午餐,使女們請示準備什么布拉吉,更壞的是,虛情假意的關懷,所有這一切,都刺傷著痛處,都好像是一種侮辱,破壞了她們所必須的寧靜。她倆在這種寧靜中,極力傾聽在她們的想象中仍然沒有停息的可怕而又嚴肅的大合唱,也妨礙了她們注視那在她們眼前一晃而過的神秘的遙遠的遙遠的遠方。

To delegates from around the world , many of whom spend their days trying to bring benefits as basic as clean , running water to impoverished slum dwellers in the third world , the prime minister rattled off a litany of his own government ' s budget and legislative commitments 在面對來自全世界的與會代表們,其中大多數花費了幾天的時間還在為生活在貧民窟中的第三世界國家的人們爭取干凈的自來水時,哈帕總理卻無意識地多次談到他自己政府的預算和立法承諾。

The issue is one of the most controversial aspects in the debate over the exams used to comply with the no child left behind law , leading to widening opposition and adding to the litany of complaints about the side effects of what critics call “ high - stakes “ testing 這個話題是關于考試的爭論中的最具有爭議的主題之一,這項考試被用于遵守“不讓一個孩子落后”法案,導致了對于批評者稱為”高昂的賭注“考試的副作用的更多的反對和長長的抱怨。

This is the other prince alwaleed , a top minded negotiator and international investing sensation whose personal inverstment vehicle , kingdom holding company , owns stakes in a litany of the world s best known brands 這是奧瓦里王子得另一面個強硬得談判者和敏銳得國際投資商,他的kingdom holding個人投資公司擁有很多世界馳名品牌公司的股權。

And what struck me most forcefully from this analysis ? aside from the usual , horrific litany of bank woes ? was just how much trouble is quietly brewing in corners of the commodities world 除了通常那一大堆令人毛骨悚然的銀行問題以外,這個分析最使我震驚的地方就是,大宗商品市場正在悄悄醞釀著多大的麻煩。

For visitors and residents alike , the worsening haze of air pollution and the depressing litany of closed beaches visibly signal the need to focus more on the environment 對于到訪者及生活在這里的居民,空氣污染的日益嚴重,關閉的海灘上令人沮喪的通告,這些顯示出有必要更加重視環保問題。

Much has been made of marilyn ' s desperate personal history , the litany of abusive foster homes and the predatory hollywood scum that accompanied her wriggle to stardom 多數都是取材于瑪蓮令人絕望般的過去,虐待她的收養家庭以及在好萊塢一直陪伴她從無名小輩到成為明星的抵毀她的卑鄙者。

Because they are so enthralled by the politics of the garou nation , they consider themselves guardians of the litany , or at least the “ correct “ interpretation of it 因為他們是那么的迷醉于狼人一族的政治,他們認為自己是律法的守護者,或者至少是律法的“正確”解釋者。

Community leaders say downtown office towers and new professional sports teams can ' t eclipse the woeful litany of unmet needs that feed juvenile crime 社會活動家認為市區的辦公大廈和新興的職業球隊掩蓋不了青少年需求得不到滿足的令人遺憾的事實,而那滋養青少年犯罪。

Community leaders say downtown office towers and new professional sports teams can ' t eclipse the woeful litany of unmet needs that feed juvenile crime 社會活動家認為市區的辦公大廈和新興的職業球隊不能掩蓋不能滿足青少年需求的令人遺憾的事實,而那滋養青少年犯罪。

Paul continues by listing a litany of men who have truly been the pillars of faith throughout the history of the bible and he begins with the son of adam and eve 然后他列舉了圣經歷史上許多信心偉人,從亞當和夏娃之子開始,他說:亞伯因著信,獻祭與神。

Naps aren ' t generally included in the litany of good - for - your - heart lifestyle choices recommended for lowering cardiovascular risk , but they may soon be 小睡并沒有被納入對于低心血管風險人群的有利心臟健康生活方式之中,但是這一狀況會很快得到改變。

Most books on java threading present a litany of everything wrong with java threading model and a class library of band - aid solutions to those problems 我稱這些類為急救包,是因為它們所能解決的問題本應是由java語言本身語法所包含的。

The library solution became something of a litany within bell laboratories due to the easy accessibility of stroustrup s cfront source 在貝爾實驗室內,由于stroustrup的cfront源的易訪問性,庫解決方案早成了老生常談。

A dark secret of the talons is that more than a few consume the flesh of their victims regularly , disregarding one of the litany ' s tenets 魔爪的黑暗秘密是漠視律法的原則,有條理的毀滅不少他們犧牲品的血肉。