
listless adj.冷淡的;懶洋洋的,無精打采的,倦怠的。adv.-...


Combined with listless spiht ( set partition in hierarchical trees ) , a remote sensing image compression hardware system using fpga ( field programmable logic array ) technology is implemented on virtex chip 在使用fpga技術的基礎上,一種結合無鏈表spiht的遙感圖像壓縮算法在可編程器件virtex芯片上得到了實現。

Call your pediatrician if your child is listless or irritable , vomits repeatedly , has a severe headache or stomachache or has any other symptoms causing significant discomfort 如果你的小孩很倦怠或者很急躁,并一再嘔吐,頭很痛或者肚子痛,或者有其他使得他很不舒服的癥狀,請聯絡你的兒科醫生。

For example , if you haven ' t slept for a few days you will be tired , listless and your interaction with reality will be weak and vague 例如,如果你幾天沒睡,你就會很疲倦,無精打采,并且,你與現實的相互作用將是無力的和模糊的。

Her pretty face was wan and listless ; her hair uncurled : some locks hanging lankly down , and some carelessly twisted round her head 她那姣好的臉蒼白而無精打采她的頭發沒有卷有的發卷直直地掛下來,有的就亂七八糟地盤在她頭上。

She watched till the postman passed by , ran out to him with her epistle , and then again took her listless place inside the window - panes 她看著窗外,等到送信的路過,就跑出上把信交給他,然后又回去呆呆地坐在窗前。

Introduction : listless world of green tiger , pink puppy , porcine gold , they are playing a fantastic game happy , you want to 神氣世界里有綠色的老虎粉紅的小狗金色的豬豬,他們在玩一個神奇的快樂游戲,你要加入嗎?

The protesters were listless in the midday furnace of the equatorial sun but their message was fierce and clear 蘇丹中午時分炎熱無比,猶如一個大熔爐,這使得抗議者的情緒低落,但他們所傳達的義憤是強烈與明了的。

The days stretch out in an endless vista . so we go about our petty tasks , hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life 時日在無窮的展望中延展著,于是我們干著瑣碎的事情,幾乎意識不到我們對生活的倦怠態度。

Listless world of green tiger , pink puppy , porcine gold , they are playing a fantastic game happy , you want to 神氣世界里有綠色的老虎粉紅的小狗金色的豬豬,他們在玩一個神奇的快樂游戲,你要加入嗎?

New york ( ap ) - - the boston red sox ended april on a high , thanks to another listless performance by the new york yankees 紅襪隊在四月份尾聲維持高檔,因為紐約洋基隊又打了一場無精打采的球賽。

For several days our dog lay in a corner , listless and inactive , but this morning he began to perk up 幾天來,我們那只狗懶洋洋地躺在屋角里一動不動,可今天早晨它又開始活躍起來了。

I was roused by a listless exchange between a boy who wore glasses and a girl who unfortunately did not 一個戴眼鏡的男孩和一個不幸未戴眼鏡的女孩的談話,打斷了我的沈思。

If you would be idle and sit listless and let your pitcher float on the water , come , o come to my lake 如果你想懶散閑坐,讓你的水瓶飄浮在水面,來吧,到我的湖上來吧。

But he failed to bounce back after the difficult chemo , remaining pale and listless 但是,他并沒有在艱難的化療后回到原來的身體狀況,只剩下蒼白的臉色和無精打采。

At last , however , her listless walk brought her up alongside him , and still he said nothing 她沒精打采地走著,后來終于走到了克萊爾的身邊,不過他仍然沒有說話。

In a year when stock exchanges around the world are listless , share prices in hong kong are up by 17 % 在全球股票交易所行情暗淡的一年中,香港的股價上漲了17 % 。

One of the sheep continued listless and inactive for days , but began to perk up this morning 有一只羊幾天來老是沒精打采的,可是今天早上開始活躍起來了。

They just get weak and listless and don ' t interact strongly with the physical world 他只會變得虛弱和無精打采,與物質世界不再進行強有力地交互作用。

With chelsea so listless , a goal out of nowhere was needed , and from nowhere it arrived 無精打采的切爾西急需一個進球的時候,這個進球就來了。