
lister n.李斯德 〔Joseph, 1827-1912,英國外...


It suggests more women are following in the footsteps of hollywood star demi moore , 43 , who started dating then unknown ashton kutcher - 15 years her junior - after splitting with fellow a - lister bruce willis , now 50 結果發現,經濟狀況越是穩定的女性對男性的經濟實力越是不在乎,而對男性的外貌更加看重。這似乎意味著現代女性的擇偶標準開始和好萊塢女星接近。

“ when readers or listeners come across these tired expressions , they start tuning out and completely miss the message - assuming there is one , “ said plain english campaign spokesman john lister 英國簡明英語組織的發言人約翰?李斯特說: “當讀者或聽眾遇到這些令人厭煩的措辭時,他們會開始轉移注意力,結果完全漏掉要點? ?假如有要點的話。 ”

“ when readers or listeners these tired expressions , they start and completely miss the message - assuming there is one , “ said plain english campaign spokesman john lister 英國簡明英語組織的發言人約翰李斯特說: “當讀者或聽眾遇到這些令人厭煩的措辭時,他們會開始轉移注意力,結果完全漏掉要點假如有要點的話。 ”

“ was there any reason for you to dislike rufus jaeger ? “ the question was meant to provoke , but lister was impressed with the relaxed manner in which fenton baumgarden reacted 原譯者不知為何到這里就停了,我來譯一下,請各位高手指教了。為了防止我在翻譯上的問題造成大家的困擾,我這里就對照著貼了。

Lister said people should follow the 1946 advice of writer george orwell : “ never use a metaphor , simile , or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print . 李斯特說人們最好遵循作家喬治奧威爾1946年提出的建議: “不要使用那些在各種出版物上頻繁出現的暗喻明喻或其他修辭格。 ”

Lister said people should follow the 1946 advice of writer george orwell : “ never use a metaphor , simile , or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print . 李斯特說人們最好遵循作家喬治?奧威爾1946年提出的建議: “不要使用那些在各種出版物上頻繁出現的暗喻、明喻或其他修辭格。 ”

According to reports from britain ' s now magazine , doctor who ' s producers want to get hollywood a - listers on board to make the programme more appealing to american audiences 根據英國媒體報導,這部著名科幻連續劇的制作人,希望有更多好萊塢一線明星參與到該劇中來,以次來吸引更多的美國觀眾。

“ it was pretty bad last year . you come back to school and had forgot everything you ever learned , “ said bianca lister , 14 , a freshman at westside high school 去年情況真糟。你在開學回到學校時已經忘記你學過的所有東西, 14歲的碧昂卡?李斯特說,她是西側高中高一的學生。

Gavin lister , a 31 - year - old teacher who pursued a 15 - year - old schoolgirl until she ended up in his arms , was jailed for 18 months 31歲教師加文?利斯特對15歲少女展開追求攻勢,最終俘獲芳心,但也因此被判18個月監禁

Ms . lister cheung 張麗萍女士

Oh , how i envy her ! you know , lots of a - listers will be at that party 哦,我真羨慕她!你知道嗎,那可是個巨星云集的晚會呀!

Medical instruments ; bandage scissors , lister ' s 醫療器械.李斯特氏繃帶剪刀