
listener n.1.聽者;收聽者。2.〔俚語〕耳朵。短語和例子-sh...


The selection provider - selection listener paradigm 選擇提供器-選擇監聽器范型

The queue manager and listener will now be created 現在將創建隊列管理器和監聽器。

As regular listeners know , from time to time 我們的忠實觀眾都很清楚,有時候

Native method to register itself as a listener with 本地方法來將其自身注冊為一個帶

Writes trace transfer message to the trace listeners in the 集合中的跟蹤偵聽器中。

In what directions did listener and narrator lie 聽者與講者朝哪個方向躺著?

Tell listeners how and why they should participate 為什么要告訴聽眾如何參加

This example outputs the call stack to any listener in the 此示例將調用堆棧輸出到

Under portlet message event : add message listener 在portlet消息事件之下的是:

Let you maintain the collection of java listeners 允許您維持一個java偵聽器集合。

If you want to remove the default listener , call the 如果要移除默認偵聽器,請調用

Method to close all the listeners in the collection 集合中的每個跟蹤偵聽器的

The type of listener you included in the 集合中包括的偵聽器的類型將確定目標。

The name can be used to organize and access listeners in a 該名稱可用于組織和訪問

Returns without calling the listeners methods 將不調用偵聽器方法而直接返回。

Not all trace listeners require you to specify 不是所有跟蹤偵聽器都要求您指定

Method for each trace listener with the trace event type 為每個跟蹤事件類型為

Spectators and listeners on the french side laughed 法國觀眾和聽眾笑了起來。

Writes error information to the trace listeners in the 集合中的跟蹤偵聽器中。