
listen vi.1.聽。2.聽從,服從 (to).3.聽上去,聽起...


He should speak less and listen more . 他應該少說多聽。

Deerslayer listened to this characteristic message . 打鹿者傾聽著這般激昂的談話。

How could we make them listen ? 我們怎樣才能讓他們聽呢?

I 'm tired of listening to all this . 這些話我都聽膩了。

She was listening with keen attention . 她聚精會神地聽。

The lolos listened interestedly . 彝族人很有興趣地聽著。

When i opened the subject, she would not listen . 我一開腔談這件事兒,她就不聽。

Listen , son , do not start giving me orders . 聽著,小伙子,別來對我發號施令。

Just listening to his silly chatter wears me out . 我聽著他無聊的話把我煩透了。

Red listened with dull resentment . 雷德聽得隱隱有些反感。

He won't listen to our grievances . 他不愿意聽我們的抱怨。

He did me the compliment of listening . 他鄭重其事地(很客氣地)傾聽了我的話。

Listen and you shall hear how i found you out . 聽著,你要聽聽我怎樣識破了你。

He listened to the music with ecstasy . 他出神地聽著音樂。

He started up, and listened again . 他吃了一驚,重新靜聽。

He would listen to no expostulations . 他對誰的勸告都不聽。

What! aren't you listening to me ? 怎么,難道你沒有聽我說?

She listened carefully for the telephone bell . 她仔細傾聽著,等候電話鈴響。

George stopped whistling and listened . 喬治停吹口哨,諦聽。