
list n.1.清單,目錄,表,一覽表;名單。2.(交易所中)全...


The list is a good one . 這是一個很不錯的清單。

As it turned out, lundy's list was a godsend . 事實證明,倫迪開列那張單子確是意外的收獲。

He listed four dependents on his income-tax form ... 他在所得稅表格上填寫了四個受贍養人。

That ship has a list to port . 那條船向左傾斜。

He skimmed over the list , looking for one 's name . 他很快地看著名單,尋找自己的名字。

reliable lists of primes exist up to . 現有的可靠的素數表可達。

Such example is a long list . 這樣的例子不勝枚舉。

They are listed on the closely guarded microfilm . 它們列于一卷嚴格保管的縮微膠卷上。

It is helpful to list them for consideration . 將它們羅列出來以供深思熟慮是有好處的。

Leaving his name off the list was a bad slip-up . 名單上沒有他的名字是個嚴重的疏忽。

There's a partial list over by the cash register . 現金出納機旁邊有張部分的進貨單。

More and more blue-ribbon lists have to be made . 越來越多的名著佳作書目有待選定。

Strike her name off the list . 把她的名字從名單中除去。

The ship was burning fiercely and had a heavy list . 船發生猛烈的燃燒并嚴重傾斜。

Her death would be listed as an accident . 她的死亡將被作為是一次事故而公布出來。

The local entertainments are listed in the newspaper . 報紙上登有本地的娛樂活動。

She was on the danger list , but is much better now . 她曾一度病危,現在好多了。

Listed in column 2 are descriptions of the cracking . 第二縱列是關于裂紋的描述。

Can you list some noninertial frames of reference ? 你能否舉出幾個非慣性參照系?