
lisp vi.,vt.1. 咬著舌頭發音。2.(孩子似地)口齒不...


If you think this is kind of alchemic utility is for esoteric lisp guys drooling over emacs extensions , think again 如果您認為這種“煉金術”工具只是癡迷于emacs擴展的古怪的lisp家伙們用的,那就錯了!

In this paper we first develop a specification syntax for semistructured data , the evocation of lisp ' s s - expression is deliberate 使用該句法,可以將半結構數據的描述統一到一種形式化的方法上。

He was but eleven months and nine days old and , though still a tiny toddler , was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words 他才十一個月零九天。盡管剛趔趔趄趄地學步,卻已開始咿呀學語了。

The paper describes an approach based on preferences for drawing pump gear by visual lisp language and for designing dialog - box 本文利用autocad2000專業繪圖軟件,實現了泵齒輪的參數化繪圖。

Such tools have their roots in lisp - like languages , but they are also used in newer languages like python 這樣的工具源于類似lisp的語言,但它們也能在更新的語言(例如: python )中使用。

Direct slicing has been realized with software mdt because using visual lisp programming language 直接切片的方法在mdt ( mechanicaldesktop )軟件平臺上利用visuallisp語言編程得到了實現。

The most basic form of tracing collector , first proposed by lisp inventor john mccarthy in 1960 , is the 最早由lisp的發明人john mccarthy于1960年提出的最基本的跟蹤收集器形式是

Gaga even affected the infantile and lisped through excess of genteel deportment . tatan nene alone transgressed 加加裝作一副孩子模樣,由于她太矯揉造作,說話連字都吐不清楚。

Fontan , in his role of honest citizen , took louiset in his arms and began playing with him and lisping 豐唐做出一副和藹可親的樣子,一下抱起孩子,還模仿他牙牙學語,逗他玩。

Than in lisp scheme even though the latter is probably more widely used , if only in emacs 比用lisp / scheme更容易掌握函數編程(即使如果只在emacs中,后者可能使用得更廣泛) 。

Library quite a bit , and i suspect i will like it more as i become more comfortable with lisp scheme programming 庫了,我猜想進一步熟悉lisp / scheme編程后也許會更喜歡。

Thoroughly describes the problems , solutions , and possibilities in writing macros in lisp - like systems 全面描述了在類lisp系統中編寫宏所涉及的問題、解決方案和可能性。

The cowardly children crept nearer also , isabella lisping - “ frightful thing ! put him in the cellar , papa 膽小的孩子們也爬近一些,伊莎貝拉口不清地說著,可怕的東西!

Visual lisp , vba and objectarx all embed in autocad and they are very good tools of development 開發工具可用內嵌在autocad2000內的visuallisp 、 vba或objectarx 。

The first functional language was lisp 3 , written by john mccarthy1 in the late 1950s 第一種函數式語言是lisp ,由約翰?麥卡錫于20世紀50年代末編寫。

I unpacked the psgml distribution into the site - lisp directory of my emacs installation 我將psgml分發版解壓縮到emacs安裝目錄下的site - lisp目錄中。

He was blushing hotly and lisping as elegantly as ever . she weighed him at a glance 他的臉變得通紅她呢,一邊在吐字不清地說話,一邊瞟了他一眼。

Lisp is a Lisp是一門

As with most of lisp , just one basic data structure represents everything 與大多數的lisp語言一樣,只要一種基本數據結構就表示了一切。