
lisle n.1.(法國 Lisle 出產的堅牢的)萊爾棉線。2....


Under a row of five coiled spring housebells a curvilinear rope , stretched between two holdfasts athwart across the recess beside the chimney pier , from which hung four smallsized square handkerchiefs folded unattached consecutively in adjacent rectangles and one pair of ladies grey hose with lisle suspendertops and feet in their habitual position clamped by three erect wooden pegs two at their outer extremities and the third at their point of junction 那是一排五個家用螺形彈簧按鈴,下面,在煙囪那凹進去的間壁兩側的兩個鉤子之間,彎彎地橫系著一根繩子,上面掛著四塊對折的小方手絹:一塊挨著一塊,彼此并不重疊,呈長方形。另外還有一雙灰色長統女襪,襪幫是用萊爾棉線25織的,腳脖子以下是通常的樣式。

The one with red cheeks is called miss smith ; she attends to the work , and cuts out - for we make our own clothes , our frocks , and pelisses , and everything ; the little one with black hair is miss scatcherd ; she teaches history and grammar , and hears the second class repetitions ; and the one who wears a shawl , and has a pocket - handkerchief tied to her side with a yellow ribband , is madame pierrot : she comes from lisle , in france , and teaches french “臉頰紅紅的那個叫史密斯小姐,她管勞作,負責裁剪因為我們自己做衣服罩衣外衣,什么都做。那個頭發黑黑的小個子叫做斯卡查德小姐,她教歷史語法,聽第二班的朗誦。那位戴披巾用黃緞帶把一塊手帕拴在腰上的人叫皮埃羅夫人,她來自法國里爾,教法語。 ”

I shall take up my abode in a religious house near lisle - a nunnery you would call it ; there i shall be quiet and unmolested 我會在里斯爾附近一家寺院找到棲身之所你會稱它為修道院。

1836 rouget de lisle , french army officer and composer of la marseillaise , died 法國陸軍軍官、 《馬賽曲》作曲者魯熱?德利勒逝世。

Lisle von rhoman : you are scared of yourself . of the body you once knew 萊爾:你害怕自己,害怕你曾經熟悉的身體。

Lisle von rhoman : but first , a warning 萊爾:但是首先,有一個注意事項。