
lisbon n.里斯本〔葡萄牙首都〕。


In lisbon at the end of this week , the leaders of the european union will sit down with the leaders of the african union 歐盟,非盟(非洲聯盟)領導人將于本周末在里斯本共商國事。

A college student and retail worker in lisbon falls , maine , sardinha uses nuvaring , a vaginal contraceptive ring 近年來,她一直在使用一個名為nuvaring的陰道避孕環作為避孕措施。

The maputo stock exchange in mozambique was set up in 1998 with the help of the lisbon stock exchange 莫桑比克馬普托證券交易所是在里斯本證券交易所的幫助下于1998年成立的。

The exhibition premiered at cite in 2001 and has been presented in the hague , lisbon , berlin and london 年在巴黎科學城首次展出后,曾于海牙、里斯本、柏林和倫敦等地展出。

Estremoz , 200 kilometres east of lisbon , is in a region where the siesta enjoys a traditional popularity 埃斯特雷莫位于里斯本以東200公里,這里的人們歷來有午睡的習慣。

The exhibition premiered at cite in 2001 and has been presented in the hague , lisbon , berlin and london 年在巴黎科學城首次展出后,曾于海牙里斯本柏林和倫敦等地展出。

It was first traded publicly in two thousand one , and has since added other exchanges in lisbon and london 在2001年首次公共交易,并增加了在里斯本和倫敦的其他交易所。

Besides a bayern delegation , the sheik also met representatives of olympique marseille and benfica lisbon 除了拜仁俱樂部,阿聯酋王儲還接見了馬賽和本菲卡的代表。

Said by : general william erskine , after he jumped from a window in lisbon , portugal in 1813 出自:威廉?歐斯金,當他于1813年從葡萄牙里斯本的一個窗戶跳下去之后。

Atletico madrid are stepping up their interest in sporting lisbon midfielder miguel veloso 馬競對里斯本競技隊的中場球員維羅索的興趣已經越來越濃厚了。

It was first traded publicly in 2001 and has since added other exchanges in lisbon and london 2001年開始公開交易,有里斯本和倫敦證券交易先后加入。

Carla leitao is an architect , designer and professor who lives and works in ny and lisbon , portugal 身兼建筑師與設計師之職,且任教于紐約及里斯本。

In lisbon i found the portuguese captain , who took me in his ship to brazil , all those years ago 在里斯本我找到了多年前帶我去巴西的葡萄牙船長。

Lisbon emerged as the safest eu capital , with 10 per cent of people affected by crime 里斯本成為歐盟最安全的首都,僅有10 %的人遭受過犯罪的侵害。

Chelsea boss jose mourinho is keeping tabs on sporting lisbon winger tiago pinto 切爾西主教練穆里尼奧正在關注里斯本競技邊鋒蒂亞戈-平托。

A city of northwest portugal near the mouth of the douro river north of lisbon 波爾圖葡萄牙西北部一城市,位于里斯本北部,杜羅河口附近。

Lisbon agreement for the protection of appellations of origin and their international registration 保護原產地名稱及國際注冊里斯本協定

It operates the stock markets in amsterdam , brussels , lisbon and paris 它管理著阿姆斯特丹、布魯塞爾、里斯本和巴黎的證券交易所。

It operates the stock markets in amsterdam , brussels , lisbon and paris 它操作阿姆斯特丹、布魯塞爾、里斯本和巴黎的證券市場。