
lisa n.莉莎〔女子名,Elizabeth 的昵稱〕。


Lisa : i knew i was going to get married next 莉莎:我知道我將會是下一個結婚的人。

Lisa , whatever female - driven , emotion - based dilemma 麗莎,無論你怎樣多愁善感

Lisa wishes that gary would put his cards on the table 薩莉希望加里干脆把話挑明。

Lisa : well , it ' s too late to do anything now 麗莎:好吧,但是現在做什么都太遲了。

Lisa : no , i ' m fine thanks . i just had lunch 利薩:不,不用了,謝謝。我剛吃過午飯。

Lisa : do you remember what comes on next 莉薩:你還記得下一個是什么節目嗎?

Why don ' t you tell them l ' m the one who needs lisa , 為什么你不告訴他們我需要lisa ,

I ' m sorry ? ? lisa . i didn ' t mean to bring up - - 我很抱歉麗莎,我沒有意要提起. .

Who ' s lisa ? - yeah , who the hell is lisa 誰是麗莎啊? -對呀,麗莎是哪位呀?

David : what ' s the news ? did lisa finally say yes 有什么新聞嗎?麗莎最后同意了嗎

Lisa , what are you doing ? jesus christ . be careful 莉薩你在干嗎上帝啊小心

Lisa : i didn ' t either . but don ' t tell him 麗莎:我原先也不知道。但是不要告訴他。

No , don ' t wake up lisa . - what , are you crazy 不,別叫醒麗莎! -什么?你瘋了嗎?

You will be my mona lisa , my sistine chapel 你將是我的蒙娜麗莎我的西斯廷教堂

- who ' s lisa ? - yeah , who the hell is lisa -誰是麗莎啊? -對呀,麗莎是哪位呀?

Now we ' ve got to get lisa and stop kim jong ll 快,我們要救麗莎并且阻止金正日

I go to school by bike every day , so does lisa 我每天騎車去上學,莉莎也一樣

Lisa you ' re the most amazing person i ' ve ever met 麗莎,你是我遇過最不可思議的女人

Lisa : how much of our conversation did you hear 麗莎:我們的對話你聽到多少?