
lira n.(pl. lire , liras) (意大利貨幣單...


Ikised on mis consideration , tire flaw of function aixl lire challenge to traditional material distribution arc drawn wlren it is come to lire era of e - commuce . aller tire importance aixl tire diameters of information tedinology aie addressed acconling lo ( ire logistics lor e - commeiu1 , it is easy lo ivxtch tire point uial ure strategy of logistics has to be converted lixmi ll ic ( radilional iixlepeixlcnl aixl sealed competition nxxlel to the co - o | xralk > n aixl co - exisl slialogy alliairec 在此基礎上闡述了信息技術在電子商務物流中的重要作用及信息集成化的特點;同樣企業的物流戰略也必須作出相應的調整,應由傳統的各自為政的封閉型的競爭方式向企業間競爭與合作共存的戰略聯盟轉變;物流目的也應由實現有限的功能向更為廣泛的客戶提供優質的服務轉變。

Finally , it stresses on the most principal problem after the network has constructed and begins to run - the security of the network . , the designing method of network security and the services and the protection mechanism with relation to the network security are advanced . it is a emphasis the analysis of lire prevention wall technology of the network security and the practical application of this technology in the system 最后強調了在網絡建成并開始投入運行后的首要問題?網絡安全問題,提出了網絡安全的設計方法、與網絡安全相關的服務和保護機制,并著重分析了網絡安全中的防火墻技術以及在該系統中的實際應用。

These countries purchased us and canadian dollars , pounds sterling , deutsche mark , belgian and french francs , australian dollars , mexican pesos , argentine pesos , italian lire , danish and norwegian kroner , swedish kronor , japanese yen , austrian schillings , anish pesetas , netherlands guilders , fi ish mark , irish pounds , south african rand , brazilian cruzeiros , venezuelan bolivars and malaysian ringgits , aggregating $ 22008 million , in exchange for an equivalent amount of their own currencies 這些國家購買美元、加拿大元、英鎊、德國馬克、比利時法郎和法國法郎、澳大利亞元、墨西哥比索、阿根廷比索、意大利里拉、丹麥克郎和挪威克郎、瑞典克郎、日元、奧地利先令、西班牙比塞塔、荷蘭盾、芬蘭馬克、愛爾蘭鎊、南非蘭特、巴西克魯賽羅、委內瑞拉博利瓦和馬來西亞林吉特,兌換成各成員國本國的等值貨幣,總金額達220 . 08億美元。

These countries purchased us and canadian dollars , pounds sterling , deutsche mark , belgian and french francs , australian dollars , mexican pesos , argentine pesos , italian lire , danish and norwegian kroner , swedish kronor , japanese yen , austrian schillings , spanish pesetas , netherlands guilders , finnish mark , irish pounds , south african rand , brazilian cruzeiros , venezuelan bolivars and malaysian ringgits , aggregating $ 22008 million , in exchange for an equivalent amount of their own currencies 這些國家購買美元、加拿大元、英鎊、德國馬克、比利時法郎和法國法郎、澳大利亞元、墨西哥比索、阿根廷比索、意大利里拉、丹麥克郎和挪威克郎、瑞典克郎、日元、奧地利先令、西班牙比塞塔、荷蘭盾、芬蘭馬克、愛爾蘭鎊、南非蘭特、巴西克魯賽羅、委內瑞拉博利瓦和馬來西亞林吉特,兌換成各成員國本國的等值貨幣,總金額達220 . 08億美元。

The essay also includes a systematic discussion about the nature of pension funds and the principles , institutions and roules which can be used to invest . in the end , it delves further into the risks of investing in pension funds from a modem point of view and discusses the possibility of using invesrment theory in real lire 對養老基金的性質、投資的原則、投資的機構和路徑進行了系統論述,最后聯系現代投資理論對養老基金投資風險進行了再認識,對投資理論與實際相結合的可能性進行了探討。

While e - commeivx is sweeping ure world , it is a reasonable idea tliat e - commerce will ixxx nc lire main commercial model ii i tlx new century . i “ “ iislly ure developing inotivatioas of e - lximmeiu ' siicit as ix - isonali / alion ami convenieixr aieamly / ed in lire reras well as the influence lo ukiradilional material distiibnlion icsullal hum clianges of ideas aixi beliavior of ( jie consumer and enleipriscs 在電子商務席卷全球并有望成為新世紀主流商務形式的背景下,本文首先分析了電子商務發展的內在動因,如個性化、便捷等趨勢,以及消費者、企業的觀念、行為變化對傳統物流的影響,并由此得出為適應電子商務的發展傳統物流所存在的功能缺陷和面臨的挑戰。

Ihmiigh launching co - ilisliihulioii planning s ) ' u ' m , ckvliunic iriminal , ( racing vehicle system , digital material stoic lo cnliance lire inlbmuilion quilily aixl ilie elliciency ol transference is tire way to make ihe decision scientilic . it is mlional lo say lliat logislies infoiniation iretvvoik is ure nervous system of logislies . herc is inlnxlucing ure maluix ; infoiniation reading technologies and inuisilion mcxjels . i ' br uie enhaireing logistics eflicieirey tiaditional busiiress pixtceed aixl construction of inlcr - com | tanies aixl inte r - tleputmeiits also liave to ire lailoixxl . lire ne - cngincering of logistics ixpincsscs aixl tire policies of oalering , inventory , distribution aixl lire lhiixl | nlv logistic aiesludicxlinlcnsivcly , in order to eliminate ure obstacles among logistics at picsenl ihixnigli innovation aixl ic - engincering as well as losatisfy ureireal of e - commerce uiixiugh eflieienl aixl eflcdivx 要實現現代物流的效率還必須根據電子商務的特點對傳統的企業內部及企業間業務流程、結構、策略進行適當調整以實現業務流程在整體上的優化,在業務策略分析中重點研究了物流業務重組、采購策略、庫存策略和配送策略以及第三方物流,力圖通過業務策略的革新與調整來消除現行物流體制中存在的障礙,以實現新型物流的便捷與高效并滿足電子商務發展的需求。

Ffes article combining ti1e characteristics of every life period that mshf has and the current situation of capital market , discusses establishment of finance innovation memsm for mshf by research the manner of application abollt vent ' lire capital , ajlaiysis the necessity of using pleferred stock 本文結合高技術中小企業各生命周期的融資特點和我國資本市場的現狀,探討建立中小企業金融創新機制。在著重研究風險投資應用方式的同時,也分析了優先股、可轉換債和附購股權債等幾種金融創新工具在我國運用的必要性。

The grphon appears in the heavenly pound make it much more masterious . people said that it has a dog - lire head , the eyes ‘ color are as black as chestnut seed , mouth and chin jut out forward and its fur is very bright . besides , the body length is often 1 ~ 1 . 5 meter . it is said that you will have good luck if you can see it , so its name is ‘ jili ‘ ( means lucky ) “天池怪獸“讓游人了解天池有怪獸出沒的同時,也在腦海里有一個清晰的影象,傳說它張得頭似狗的模樣,眼睛象栗仁那么黑,嘴巴和下巴向前突出,身上的皮毛非常光滑發亮,一般身長在1 - 1 . 5米左右,傳說它能給人帶來好運,所以起名叫“吉利“ .天池怪獸的出沒為長白山增加了更多的神秘色彩

Logistics . “ ihixxigh ceitciin busiiress | xilicies aixl infbnnation lechix ) logies the nxxlem logistics structure aixl communiaitive model aic o | timi / ed as to enliiincc tire logistics cllicicney lor lire realization of every logistics function 一定的業務策略和信息技術相結合,實現現代物流在業務結構和信息溝通方式上的優化,以期提高物流的效率,為電子商務各項功能的實現提供保證。

At drake s or aaron s one pays twenty - five lire for common days , and thirty or thirty - five lire a day more for sundays and feast days ; add five lire a day more for extras , that will make forty , and there s an end of it . 在德雷克和亞隆,平常日子租一輛馬車只要二十五法朗,可到了星期天和節日就要三十或三十五法郎,外加五法郎的小費,加起來就是四十了,那就了結啦。 ”

I ' br ure same mason lire goal of logistics mast lx - lailoiul lor e - vommeixv fnun nilititing ( lie limiletl fuiretioiis to pixwid ing aroiuxl quilii , ilivc set vices lo consul 11 . ms 以前面的分析為基礎,接下來研究探討了電子商務環境下的物流系統構建,包括電子商務環境下新型物流功能實現的相關信息技術及業務策略。

At the back of his loins the lire suddenly darted stronger . he glanced apprehensively at her . her face was averted , and she was crying blindly , in all the anguish of her generation s forlornness 因為她正在害怕那母雞,正要把它放回籠里去,在他的兩腰背后,火焰驟然激發起來,比以前更為雖烈了。

For 100 lire an italian football fan and almost all italians are football fans can have a chance to win as much as 200 , 000 , 000 lire 投進100里拉,一個意大利足球迷? ?幾乎所有的意大利人都是足球迷? ?就有贏得多達200 , 000 , 000里拉的機會。

Five hundred roman crowns are three thousand lire , and three thousand lire are a fortune for two poor orphans who are going to be married 五百羅馬艾居等于三千法郎,而三千法郎在這一對快要結婚的窮孤兒來說可算是一大筆錢了。

An italian man is accused of killing his cousin with a chainsaw in a billion lire ( $ 460 , 000 ) insurance scam that went horribly wrong 一名意大利男子被控用鏈鋸殺害了他的表弟,而這竟涉及一個46萬美元保險的失敗騙局。

Yunnan li jiang , when home returns utterly ignorant , early with the land of peach blossoms “ sweet case lira “ famed at the world 云南麗江,在國內還一無所知的時候,早就以世外桃園的“香格里拉”聞名于世了。

Stroke occur more commonly in later lire and in people who suffer from high blood pressure or some other circulatory disorder 中風比較普遍發生于老年人,尤其常見于有高血壓或某些其它血液循環疾病的人。

In the same year diego was engaged by the spaniard team barcellona , that paid for his transfer the record sum of 7 billion liras 同年,馬拉多納加入了巴賽羅納的西班牙人球隊,他的轉會費達70億里拉。