
liquorice n.【植物;植物學】甘草屬,甘草。

liquorice stick

Contain liquorice extract , remove speckle , restrain tyrosinase activity , block away melanin during tranformation to speckle , prevent pigmentation , control free radical , enhance skin elasticity , postpone skin aging 甘草萃取精華,具有去斑功效的天然成份,有助于黑色素轉化成色斑的過程中發揮功效,舒緩色素加深、沉淀及黑色素的形成,增加肌膚彈性,延緩衰老。

Deep red - purple color . intense plum , berry and liquorice aromas . a very full bodied solid wine with ripe crushed plum and berry fruit and powerful chocolaty tannins . very youthful , exuberant wine 深沉的紫紅色澤。李子、漿果與甘草的芬芳濃郁迷人。酒體飽滿,酒質醇濃,富含李子、漿果果味。丹寧強勁,有著巧克力般的柔滑質感。是一款新釀的酒質豐富的美酒。

A complex natural antioxidant ( cna ) comprised of liquorice ( glycyrrhizauralensis fisch ) extract ( ge ) , orange peel ( pericarpium citri reticulatae ) extract ( pe ) , phosphatidyl choline ( pc ) , ascorbic acid ( vc ) and citric acid ( ca ) was prepared 摘要研究了一種由甘草提取物、陳皮提取物、卵磷脂、抗壞血酸和檸檬酸組成的復合天然杭氧化劑。

Two barefoot urchins , sucking long liquorice laces , halted near him , gaping at his stump with their yellow - slobbered mouths . he swung himself forward in vigorous jerks , halted , lifted his head towards a window and bayed deeply 兩個打赤腳的頑童嚼著長長的甘草根,在他身旁站下來,嘴里淌著黃糊糊的涎水,呆呆望著他那殘肢。

Perfect integration of liquorice root extract , capsian sea pearl and red wine allows skin to absorb whitening essence , and restore white and moist beautiful looks 甘草根提取物、里海珍珠與紅酒完美結合讓肌膚吸收美白精華,恢復白皙潤滑的美麗容顏。

“ tasting note : fresh and flavoursome to the nose ( red fruit , spices , cedar ) soft and rich on the palate with elegant tannins , a hint of liquorice 品嘗:此酒聞起來有果香,肉桂香和松樹清新的香氣。酒體柔軟,丹寧豐富,略有甘草味。

Ruby - red in colour , berry - like , liquorice with a touch of chocolate fills the glass . spicy , wooded aromas add to a long lingering aftertaste 寶石紅色。醬果子,甘草和點滴的巧克力充滿杯中,加上回味悠長的香辛橡木香。

Liquorice essence can instantly clean and whiten skin , fade reddish skin and tender rough texture caused by acne , make skin even and white 甘草精華迅速凈白肌膚,改善因暗瘡帶來的肌膚紅腫及粗糙,回復均白膚色。

Ingredients : pure olive essential oil , vitamin e , american ginseng , liquorice , gingko , snow lotus , natural moisturizing factor etc 成份:清純橄欖精油、維他命e 、花旗參精華、甘草、銀杏、雪蓮、天然保濕因子等。

Ingredients : pure olive essential oil , gingko essence , liquorice essence , codonopsis pilosula , peony , allantoin , tea tree oil etc 成份:清純橄欖精油、銀杏精華、甘草精華、砂參、芍藥、尿囊素、茶樹油等。

The same interpretation of liquorice flower as previous editions , more oriental and voluptuous than eau de parfum 同以前的版本一樣,它也是對甘草花香的演繹,相比“之濃香水”更顯東方情濃,也更加奢逸了。

Add fried shallot , fried garlic , rock candy , thick soy sauce , rice wine and liquorices to stir fry over low heat for 80 minutes 放入紅蔥酥、大蒜酥、冰糖、油膏、米酒、甘草拌勻,以小火煮80分鐘左右。

Liquorice extracts glycyrrhiza glabra l . - determination of glycyrrhizic acid content - method using high - performance liquid chromatography 甘草精的提取物.甘草酸含量的測定.用高效液相色譜分析法

Ingredients : pure olive essential oil , saffron , resina draconis , liquorice essence , grape seed , chamomile extract etc 成份:清純橄欖精油、藏紅花、血蝎、甘草精華、葡萄籽、洋甘菊純露等。

Liquorice extracts glycyrrhiza glabra l . - determination of glycyrrhizic acid content - methods using high - performance liquid chromatography 甘草提取物.甘草酸含量的測定.高效液相色譜法

Ingredients : pure olive essential oil , myrrh , angelica , gingko extract , vitamin a , arbutin , liquorice etc 成份:清純橄欖精油、沒藥、當歸、銀杏提取精華、維生素a醇、熊果苷、甘草等。

Joey : yeah , the man wreaks ! smells like he went on a three day fishing trip and then ate some liquorice 就是他身上的,聞起來像是去釣了三天的魚,然后又吃了那么多甘草梗。

It offers cassis and cigar box flavors along with hints of spice and liquorice lead to lingering finish 口感有濃郁的黑醋栗和雪茄盒,香料,以及甘草等復雜感覺,余韻悠長。

Ingredients : liquorices extract , dragosantol , aloe extract , cell activating element , botanic essence , vc etc 成分:甘草精、沒藥醇、蘆薈液、細胞激活素、植物精華、 vc等。