
liquor n.1.液,液體。2.【藥學】溶液;液劑。3.煮汁,煎汁...

liquor head

So we come here and send out for liquor 所以我們到這兒來了,派人去買酒喝。 ”

Better belly burst than good liquor be lost 情愿脹破肚皮,也比浪費好酒為佳。

Those who drink but water will have no liquor to buy 只喝白開水的人用不著買酒。

Tea . preparation of liquor for use in sensory tests 茶葉.感覺檢驗用液體的制備

My father used to warm the liquor before he drank it 我父親以前喝酒前會先溫酒。

New type liquor will have even broader prospects 新型白酒將具有更加廣闊的前景。

Liquor store . - together or all four in one -酒品專賣店-或是上面這些的大雜燴

He loved the feeling from the liquor kissed his lips 他喜愛酒親吻他嘴唇的感覺。

New thought for the brand - shaping of high grade liquor 高檔白酒品牌塑造的新思維

A cabinet for storing bottles of wine or liquor 酒柜存放瓶裝葡萄酒或白酒的櫥柜

Cause like that , nigga , never twist the cap of malt liquor 應不應該不太想再知

It was in the campaign to end the liquor traffic that urban and rural protestants found a common outlet for mutual social energies and impulses . 的確是在結束酒的買賣的運動中,城市新教徒為共同的社會精力和沖動找到一個共同的出路。

She saw the risk she was in from a ruffian, who not only was such by profession, but had that evening been stupefying, by means of strong liquors . 她看出這流氓給他帶來的危險。他不僅流氓成性,而且那天晚上又喝了燒酒。

Later, when he led his naked warriors down to the destruction of the germen plantation, he was wiser, and he appropriated all the liquors . 后來,他變得聰明起來,在率領赤身勇士搗毀德國種植園時,他把酒全部占為己有。

The liquor is pumped through a large nozzle and the velocity head is utilized to draw the gases to be absorbed into the liquid . 液體用泵送經一只大的噴頭,利用速度變化產生的壓差將待吸收氣體帶到液體中。

Raymond : yes , you have got to put in a spoonful of liquor , some vinegar and olive oil but that comes ten minutes later . 雷蒙:是的,你必須放進一湯匙的酒,一些醋和橄欖油,但那是十分鐘之后的事。

You have got to put in a spoonful of liquor , some vinegar and olive oil - but that comes ten minutes later . 你必須放進一湯匙的酒,一些醋和橄欖油,但那是十分鐘之后的事。

Calderwood might smell the liquor on his breath and disapprove, but he was past that, too . 考德伍德可能從他嘴里嗅到酒氣,從而表示不滿,可是他已經不在乎這種事了。

The waste liquor from this scouring step was agitated with 0.15% of its weight of colloidal bentonite . 該洗滌工序排出的廢水,同其重量的015的膠性皂土混合。