
liquidity n.1.液性。2.流動性,流暢。


Liquidity arrangements for the money market in the y2k context 因應電腦二千年問題作出的貨幣市場流動資金安排

Hong kong increases disclosure of foreign currency reserves and liquidity 香港增加披露外匯儲備及流動性的資料

Companies sometimes sell off assets to increase their liquidity 公司有時候會出售資產來增加他們的資金流動。

Liquidity ratio ; liquidity margin 流動資金比率幅度

Banks are generally managing their intraday liquidity reasonably well 銀行一般均能妥善管理其即日流動資金。

Liquidity of the hong kong stock market since the asian financial crisis 亞洲金融危機后香港股票市場的流動性

Liquidity is one of the key differences between savings and investments 流動性是儲蓄和投資的關鍵區別之一。

Liquidity is crucial when you are selecting a market to trade 當你選擇一個市場進行交易后,流動資金很關鍵。

Penal rate liquidity adjustment facility 懲罰性息率

To maintain maximum liquidity to defend the hong kong dollar exchange rate 維持最高的流動性,以捍衛港元匯

These offers are not applicable to liquidity money market funds 所有優惠均不適用于認購流動資金貨幣基金。

The company has good liquidity 該公司的資產流動性好

Liquidity adjustment facility 流動資金調節機制金管局

A distinct shift will be seen from excess liquidity to a shortage 一個分明轉移將看從剩馀流動資產對短缺。

30 nov 2005 international reserves and foreign currency liquidity 2005年11月30日國際儲備及外匯流動性數據

Liquidity costs in an order - driven market and the factor analysis 指令驅動市場的流動性成本及影響因素分析

The liquidity of government bonds on a government participated market 央行參與下的國債市場流動性機制研究

Capital and liquidity requirement 資本與流動資金的規定

Press release : hkma s statement on liquidity adjustment facility 新聞稿:金管局發表流動資金調節機制聲明