
liquidator n.清算人。


The former international bank executive director pleads guilty to two charges and is sentenced to 12 months imprisonment . he is required to return the monetary advantages to the carrian liquidator and pay hk 300 , 000 to the government . his term of imprisonment is increased to 18 months in a subsequent judicial review 國際銀行前執行董事承認兩項控罪,被判監十二個月,并須把收受利益時所得的金錢還予佳寧的清盤人及支付三十萬元予政府后控方要求覆判,刑期增長至十八個月。

Deficiency of chinese liquidation laws shows in such aspect as legislation , juridical , doctrine and liquidator , which can be described as : dilapidated liquidation legislation idea , lack of manenverability , deficient liquidation and dissolution system and weak liquidator system . the conclusion chapter comes up with suggestions to liquidation legislation of china 在立法、司法、學理、主體上的不足分別表現為:清算立法思想落后,不適應當代公司法改革和發展趨勢;公司清算程序的規定籠統,可操作性不強;清算和解散制度不健全;清算人制度薄弱。

We shall set up juridical dissolution system and revise the special liquidation procedure . the academic value of this thesis is that by the systemic research and analysis of the status of china ' s liquidator matters , the thesis propose the idea of establishing professional liquidator system and the plan of unified liquidation law , which provide the academic material for the consummation of chinese corporation law and the foundation of chinese liquidation system , under the circumstances that china ' s research on liquidator affairs is not yet in - depth 本文的理論價值在于對清算人法律問題進行了較為深入、系統的研究,并針對我國清算人法律問題的現狀和清算立法的實際情況,提出了建立職業清算人制度、統一清算法的觀點和理論構想,在當前我國清算人法律問題專題研究尚不深入、不夠系統的情況下,為我國公司法的完善和清算制度的建立積累了理論素材。

In other cases , a meeting of creditors in bankruptcy , or meetings of creditors and contributories in compulsory liquidations will be convened to decide whether the official receiver or some other fit persons from the private sector should be appointed the trustee or liquidator 至于其他個案,破產案的債權人或強制清盤案的債權人及分擔人會召開會議,決定應否委任破產管理署署長或私營機構的其他合適人士為受?人或清盤人。

In other cases , a meeting of creditors in bankruptcy , or meetings of creditors and contributories in compulsory liquidation will be convened to decide whether the official receiver or some other fit persons from the private sector should be appointed trustee or liquidator 在其他個案中,破產案的債權人或強制清盤案的債權人及分擔人會召開會議,決定應否委任破產管理署署長或私營機構的其他合適人士,為受托人或清盤人。

Article 32 upon completion of the liquidation of a sole proprietorship enterprise , the sole proprietor or the liquidator designated by the people ' s court shall prepare a liquidation report , and shall conduct de - registration with the registration authority within fifteen days 第三十二條個人獨資企業清算結束后,投資人或者人民法院指定的清算人應當編制清算報告,并于十五日內到登記機關辦理注銷登記。

Under the scheme , these insolvency practitioners are appointed by the official receiver as provisional liquidators in place of the official receiver and their remuneration is subsidised by government funds up to the limits submitted in their tenders 根據外判計劃,這些清盤從業員由破產管理署署長委任,以代替署長本人出任臨時清盤人;他們的酬金由公帑資助,但資助款額不超過他們投標時提出的限額。

The court heard that a company went into liquidation in october 1998 but the liquidator discovered the company involved in a series of suspected fraudulent lc transactions in the period between 1993 and 1998 . a report was then made to the police 案情透露,一間公司在一九九八年十月清盤,但清盤人其后揭發該公司于一九九三年至一九九八年期間懷疑從事一連串的信用狀詐騙,于是通知警方。

Liquidator shows certain characteristics including the specialty of its duration , neutrality of its interest , legal authority of its duty , multiplicity of its function and the speciality of its qualification . chapter three evaluates china ' s liquidation system 清算人具有存續期間的特定性、利益關系的中立性、行使職權的法定性、功能的多重性、任職資格的專業性等特征。

Liquidator will assume compensation liability to the corporation , shareholder and creditors , in case of damage or lose of the their interest caused by the liquidator , nevertheless it is acted intentionally or not 清算人因故意或過失給公司、股東或債權人利益造成損失的,應承擔損害賠償責任。清算人的身份相當于公司存續期間的董事會,其與公司之間是委托關系。

When the duties and responsibilities of the trustee end , its heritor or the manager of the decedent ' s property , the guardian or the liquidator shall keep the trust property appropriately and assist the new trustee to take over the trust affairs 受托人職責終止時,其繼承人或者遺產管理人、監護人、清算人應當妥善保管信托財產,協助新受托人接管信托事務。

The first chapter defines that liquidator is human or corporation appointed by certain procedure in the case of a company which is being wound up , to undertake the liquidation affairs 本文認為,清算人是在公司清算期間依特定程序產生的從事清算事務的自然人或法人。根據產生方式不同,清算人有法定清算人、章定清算人、議定清算人、選定清算人4種類型。

Considering the speciality of liquidation affairs and the neutralism and independence of liquidator , the thesis suggests that china should establish professional liquidator system and constitute unified liquidation law 建立職業清算人制度可以使現行的清算人從繁瑣的清算事務中解脫出來,有利于實現清算事務的公正,提高清算活動的效率。

Firstly the author expounds the liability of liquidators , furthermore , he clarifies three important liabilities - the liability of liquidation , the liability for satisfaction and the liability of promising satisfaction 首先,對公司清算中最主要的一類法律責任?清算人責任進行了分析,詳細闡述了清償責任、賠償責任和承諾清償責任。

Article 27 where a sole proprietorship enterprise is to be dissolved , the sole proprietor shall conduct liquidation himself , or the creditors thereof may apply to the people ' s court to designate a liquidator to conduct liquidation 第二十七條個人獨資企業解散,由投資人自行清算或者由債權人申請人民法院指定清算人進行清算。

To establish professional liquidator system , the first is to set up registration liquidator system , the second is to build up professional liquidation office and finally to realize the marketability of liquidator 建立職業清算人制度要建立注冊清算師制度,組建專業的清算事務所,最終實現清算人選任市場化。

After contrasting liquidators with directors , he analyzes the issue of duties and powers of liquidators . at last , the issue of how to carry out liquidating affairs is discussed 其次,探討了清算人的職權與義務問題,并且將清算人與正常狀態下的公司藍新目對比,分析了清算人職權與義務所具有的特點

Chu added : “ i was seldom in the tf3 offices . usually i would be in the office of carrian s liquidator an accounting firm digesting the carrian accounts with the assistance of accountants 朱敏健補充說:那時候我比較少機會回到專案小組辦公室,每天只往佳寧清盤人一會計師樓的辦公室鉆!

Where the debtors property is insufficient to pay for bankruptcy costs or common debts , the manager and liquidator shall suggest the peoples court to conclude the bankruptcy case 債務人的財產不足以支付破產費用或者共益債務的,管理人破產清算人應當提請人民法院終結破產案件。