
liquidation n.1.(公司等的)清理,清算;(債務的)清償,了結;(...

liquidation sale

In case of termination , the private enterprise shall carry out liquidation and pay off its debts 私營企業歇業,應當進行財產清算,償還債務。

Please note the above and assign your staff for the liquidation of the distributor agreement 提請您注意上述內容并指派專員協助完成清算。

Legal capacity and disposing capacity of liquidation company is confined in liquidation 清算中公司的權利能力和行為能力限于清算范圍內。

Enterprises that undergo liquidation shall use the period of liquidation as the tax year 企業清算時,應當以清算期間作為一個納稅年度。

At last , he concisely analyzes the liability of the third party in liquidation 最后. ,對第三人在清算中的法律責任進行了簡要論述。

Liquidation of company is classified as ordinary liquidation and special liquidation 該部分還對普通清算與破產清算作了比較分析。

Liquidation of stocks 股票的清算

Disincorporation and liquidation are important components of corporate law system 解散和清算制度是公司法律制度重要組成部分。

The company shall set up a liquidation group according to law to conduct liquidation 保險公司應當依法成立清算組,進行清算。

The institution of special liquidation pays attention to protect benefit of creditor 特別清算制度注重保護債權人的利益。

Q . does it also involve the system which will save you from liquidation 問:要防止你們出現僵化,也包括制度方面的因素嗎?

The liquidation of heritage 論遺產清算

Summary liquidation case 簡易程序清盤案

Divestment or liquidation 收回投資或清算

The quantification of liquidity premium based on an optimal liquidation strategy 基于最優清算策略的流動性風險溢價測算

Companies liquidation account 公司清盤帳戶

Company creditor can join in liquidation procedure in special liquidation 特別清算程序中債權人能夠參加清算程序。

Bankruptcy code chapter 7 - liquidation 破產法第

Chapter vi bankruptcy liquidation 第六章破產清算