
liquidate vt.1.清理,清算(破產的公司等);了結;清償(債務等...


Also , the amount of cash and easily liquidated assets that a broker / dealer or bank needs to meet sec regulations 也指經紀人/交易商或銀行因要滿足sec規定而持有的現金和可迅速變現的資產。

Also , the amount of cash and easily liquidated a ets that a broker / dealer or bank needs to meet sec regulatio 也指經紀人/交易商或銀行因要滿足sec規定而持有的現金和可迅速變現的資產。

With the development of market economy , more and more deals are payed or liquidated by commercial instruments 摘要隨著市場經濟的不斷發展,使用票據進行支付和資金清算的交易越來越多。

Article 131 where partners is declared bankrupt according to this law , every partner shall liquidate separately 第一百三十一條合伙人依照本法規定被宣告破產的,各合伙人應當分別清算。

Where the power customer delayed in paying the electricity charge , it shall pay liquidated damages in accordance with the contract 用電人逾期不交付電費的,應當按照約定支付違約金。

Article 3 where a debtor fails to pay off debts due , the debts shall be liquidated according to procedures in this law 第三條債務人不能清償到期債務的,依照本法規定的程序清理債務。

Dissolution of a company is a procedure that juristic personality is eliminated , but company must be liquidated 本文主要采用比較研究方法,力圖對公司清算中的問題作一定的探索。

A preliminary approach to the financing problem facing small and medium - sized enterprises by introducing self - liquidating financing 利用自償性貿易融資解決中小企業融資問題初探

If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time , your position may be liquidated 假如未能在指定的時間內提供所需數額,你的未平倉合約可能會被平倉。

In the case of a company , thecourt may order its assets to be liquidated sothat creditors can be paid 如果是一家公司,法院會下令將它的資產進行清算以償還債權人。

The part of conciliating creditors rights that are not liquidated shall be exercised as bankrupt obligatory rights 和解債權未受償的部分,作為破產債權行使權利。

Also the act of turning an asset into cash or closing an investment ( to liquidate an asset , an investment ) 也指將資產變現或結束投資(即使資產或投資變現) 。

Also the act of turning an asset into cash or closingan investment ( to liquidate an asset , an investment ) 也指將資產變現或結束投資(即使資產或投資變現) 。

The plan for liquidating debts recognized by the creditors conference is binding to both parties 經債權人會議認可的償債計劃,對雙方當事人具有約束力。

The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation 法院指定了一個接管人以管理和清算破產公司的資產。

However , this restriction does not apply to trades undertaken to liquidate pre - existing open interests 但為處理原有未沖銷部位之交易,不在此限。

This will ensure that retail investors can liquidate their holdings in the secondary market 此舉確保一般投資者可隨時在二手市場出售持有的債券。

The base position is then liquidated when it becomes apparent that the move has ended 隨后,當這一運動變得顯然結束了時,將這基本頭寸也平倉。

Measurement to evade the venture of fund expropriation and speed up the liquidate of ill creditor ' s rights 加速不良債權清理規避應收賬款風險