
liquid n.1.液體。2.【語言學】流音〔如 [l], [r]〕...

liquid air

Spin often interferes with internal operation of liquid rockets . 液體火箭的旋轉常常會干擾其內部工作。

The fuel and oxidizer are kerosene and liquid oxygen, respectively . 燃燒劑和氧化劑分別為煤油和液氧。

He just heated some liquid herbal medicine and soaked my hand . 他只熱一些草藥水,把我的手浸在里面。

The liquid surface is not distorted upon contact with the solid . 液體與固體接觸時液體表面不受干擾。

All of these mixtures produced a cloudy liquid dispersion . 所有這些混合物,都產生混濁的液體分散系。

When point c is reached, the substance is wholly in the liquid phase . 達C點時,物質全部成為液相。

Gasoline is a solvent liquid that removes grease spats . 汽油是一種能脫去油跡的有溶解能力的液體。

Any liquid or gas passing it will have streamline flow . 任何通過它的液體或氣體將呈流線型的流動。

Sugar dissolves in liquid . 糖溶于液體。

The coated particles are centrifuged and the liquid decanted . 將包覆的顆粒進行離心,除去液體。

This is the tendency of a liquid to cling to a solid surface . 這就是液體粘在固體表面上的習性。

Excessive diarrhea or liquid stools contribute to skin breakdown . 大量腹瀉及稀便會使皮膚破損。

Slashing is the first process in which liquid treatment is involved . 漿紗是液處理的第一過程。

A thermos jug was useful for carrying off spare liquids . 一個熱水壺可以用來裝多出來的流質。

Boil the liquid down . 把液體煮得蒸發掉一些。

He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him . 他看到有一股巖漿朝他襲來。

Spraying the liquid turns it into many fine droplets . 噴射液體,使它變成許多細小的霧沫。

He took down from the shelf a bottle of colorless liquid . 他從架子上拿下一瓶無色的液體。

Water passes from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes . 當結冰時水由液態變為固態。