
liqueur n.1.(飯后飲用的)甜露酒。2.(飲甜露酒的)小酒杯 ...


Offering the essence of kirsch liqueur , it possesses deep ruby color , beautiful purity , texture , and length 帶著櫻桃利口酒的感覺,本款佳釀映出深紅寶石色澤,令人感受到美麗的純凈感、層次感、以及綿長尾韻。

What classic american liqueur is made from a base of neutral spirits and flavored with peach liqueur , fresh peaches and citrus extracts 一種采用中性酒精和桃子甜酒、鮮桃和橘子釀造的美國甜酒叫什么名字?

Produced in china from a 600 year old recipe , this liqueur is made from six varieties of ginger , ginseng , herbs , honey and brandy 這款中國甜酒采用600年配方釀造,包含了姜、人參、草藥、蜂蜜和白蘭地。

Liqueur vaccinium developed by the college have woa a scientific development prize from inner mongolia 學院的在牙克石釀酒廠研究開發的萬山利口酒通過鑒定,并獲內蒙呼盟科技進步二等獎。

This french liqueur is made from , among other things , a blend of old brandies , orange curacao and cr me de cacao 這款法國甜酒采用多種白蘭地、橙子甜酒和可可甜酒釀造,它叫什么名字?

This french monastery liqueur is made by the carthusian monks from an infusion of brandy and 130 wild mountain herbs 這種法國修道院生產的甜酒包括了130種野生藥本植物,它叫什么名字?

Yanghe da qu , produced by yanghe group , is one of the eight famous brands of old liqueur in china 洋河集團生產的洋河大曲系中國老牌八大名酒之一,目前在市場營銷方面遇到一些問題。

Layers of sponge soaked with liqueur and coffee , filled with egg - nog and coffee cream , dusted with cocoa powder 由咖啡和蛋酒奶油做成的松軟海綿蛋糕,外面再撒上一層誘人的可可粉。

Manufacturer and seller of oils , spices , hot and sweet sauces , as well as rice and fruits in liqueur -食品香精香料制造商,產品有食用香精洗衣粉香精煙用香精和食品添加劑四類。

Made from a 500 - year - old recipe , this italian semi - sweet liqueur is made from brandy , herbs and fruit 這款意大利半甜型酒采用白蘭地、藥本植物和水果釀造,其配方有500年歷史。

Released in 1977 , this liqueur is made on a base of grande champagne cognacs ranging in age up to 50 years 這款以50年陳釀干邑白蘭地為基酒的甜酒于1977年上市,它叫什么名字?

It is a classic italian liqueur made from grape spirits that are steepened in 17 herbs and fruits 這是一種意大利甜酒,它是把17種草本植物和水果浸泡在葡萄蒸餾酒中釀造的。

Examinations of the third hebei national wine and liqueur evaluation commissioner has been concluded satisfactorily 河北省第二屆葡萄酒果露酒評酒委員考試工作圓滿結束

This french monastery liqueur is slightly sweeter and less aromatic than the more famous green version 這種法國修道院甜酒比它的綠色版本更加清淡,它叫什么名字?

What famous liqueur is made with a base of fine champagne cognac and a blend of exotic bitter and sweet oranges 采用干邑白蘭地和甜橙釀造的法國甜酒叫什么名字?

This dry , aromatic liqueur is made in europe from cumin , caraway and neutral grain spirits 這種干爽芳香的歐洲甜酒采用中性酒精和枯茗等植物釀造,它叫什么名字?

This highly popular , german liqueur is made from an infusion of 56 herbs , roots , fruits and gentian 采用56種藥本植物、根莖和水果釀造的德國甜酒叫什么名字?

Drier and more potent than anisette , this semi - sweet anise liqueur is made in greece and cyprus 這種在希臘和塞浦路斯釀造的濃烈、半甜型茴香酒叫什么名字?

Layers of coffee and egg - nog cream on a liqueur soaked sponge , dusted with cocoa powder 松軟的海綿蛋糕,加上香濃的咖啡和蛋酒奶油,頂端撒滿誘人的可可粉。