
lipton n.利普頓〔姓氏〕。


The working party on transparency and accountability , together with a working party on strengthening financial systems co - chaired by mario draghi italy and pablo guidotti argentina , and a working party on international financial crises , co - chaired by david lipton and martin werner mexico , was created to study how to strengthen the international financial system against the background of the asian financial crisis 提高透明度與問責性的工作小組強化金融體系工作小組和國際金融危機工作小組是在亞洲金融危機發生的情況下,為了研究如何強化國際金融體系而成立的。強化金融體系工作小組是由意大利的代表mario draghi和阿根廷的代表pablo guidotti聯合主持。國際金融危機工作小組則是由美國的代表david lipton及墨西哥的代表martin werner聯合主持。

Response to the booming hostile tender offer , poison pill as an anti - takeover tactic was first invented by a famous takeover lawyer martin lipton in america at the beginning of 80th of the last century . the categories of poison pill are constantly changing after poison pill came into existence 由于“毒丸”的屬性與我國公司法的相關規定直接發生沖突,而且我國公司市場缺乏使“毒丸”發揮其積極作用的因素,因而我國公司不應設置“毒丸”作為反收購措施。

Pepsico flagship products in china include pepsi - cola , 7up , mirinda and its multi - flavors , pepsi light , pepsi twist , mountain dew , dole 100 % fruit juices , gatorade , lipton rtd tea , lay ' s potato chips , cheetos , doritos and quaker oatmeal 百事在中國的旗艦產品包括百事可樂、七喜、美年達及其各種口味,百事輕怡,百事輕檸,激浪,都樂100 %果汁飲料,佳得樂,立頓即飲茶,樂事薯片,奇多,立體脆及桂格麥片。

Pepsico ' s flagship products in china include pepsi - cola , 7up , mirinda and its multi - flavors , pepsi light , pepsi twist , mountain dew , dole 100 % fruit juices , gatorade , lipton ice tea , lay ' s potato chips , cheetos , doritos and quaker oatmeal 百事在中國的旗艦產品包括百事可樂、七喜、美年達及其各種口味、百事輕怡、百事輕檸、激浪、都樂100 %果汁飲料、佳得樂、立頓冰茶、樂事薯片、奇多、立體脆及桂格麥片。

Experience cooperation with world - famous company such as nestle , hello kitty , lipton also stable our ability to catch international standard . please go to our website http : www . melamineplastic . com to select the item which you like 套件盤等等尺寸各形狀不同餐盤,如有客戶尋餐盤系列,歡迎你的業電或來信

It ' s been a difficult week in the shadows for hingis , pushed aside by the all - williams ’ final at the lipton championships last week and kournikova ' s run through the family circle 一周來辛吉斯都處在陰影中舉步維艱,上周在利浦頓冠軍賽中,被威廉斯姐妹擠出決賽,大滿貫中庫爾尼科娃又力拔頭籌。

Likewise , the media claimed that unilever ' s lipton instant tea contained fluorides which “ would cause cancer if taken in excess ” , according to one report 類似地,根據一則報道,媒體聲稱聯合利華的立頓速溶茶含有氟化物,如果過量食用會導致癌癥。

Likewise , the media claimed that unilever ' s lipton instant tea contained fluorides which “ would cause cancer if taken in excess ” , according to one report 類似的,根據一則報道,媒體聲稱聯合利華的利頓速溶茶含有過量引用,會致癌的氟化物。

Experience cooperation with world - famous company such as nestle , hello kitty , lipton also stable our ability to catch international standard 此產品同里也可饋贈親朋好友最佳禮品,也適合做禮增品。

Do you mind the ad of lipton tea with milk which plays on tv recently 你留意最近電視上播出的立頓奶茶的廣告了嗎?

Salesman : yes . those all are good . lipton is quite popular here 好的。那些都不錯。立頓茶在這里很受歡迎。

Oh , lipton s and very strong “呵,立敦茶,濃得很呢!

Box of lipton ' s and a cut - up hot dog 利頓茶包外加熱狗一份

There was lipton tea and a bottle of sanka 里面有立頓茶和一瓶山咖咖啡。

Lipton gathered his energies, and left the hearth . 利普頓振作起精神,離開了爐火。