
lipper n.【航海】1.漣漪;細浪。2.浪花,水花。


In 2006 , “ manulife global fund “ received six awards for the strong performance of three of its mutual funds - china value fund , emerging eastern europe fund , and japanese growth fund - across a range of sectors and countries in 2005 . the awards were announced in hong kong by lipper - a reuters company and the south china morning post scmp as part of the annual lipper funds award hong kong , scmp fund manager of the year awards 2005 and standard and poor s uk fund awards 2006 , respectively 二零零六年,宏利環球基金旗下三項互惠基金中華威力基金新興東歐基金及日本增長基金憑著優秀的表現,于二零零五年度不同行業及國家組別中分別奪得理柏香港基金年獎南華早報二零零五年基金經理大獎及二零零六年標準普爾投資基金英國銷售基金大獎。

New lipper - barra mutual fund risk factor - barra and lipper have joined forces to bring you a powerful mutual fund risk analysis tool , delivering the combined power of the industry leaders in sophisticated analysis of financial data 里浦-巴羅共同基金風險因素:占據金融數據復雜分析領域的主要地位的巴羅和里浦聯手為您提供功能強大的共同基金風險分析工具。

The awards have been made annually since 1999 and are based on performance data provided by lipper asia limited , a reuters company specializing in fund information and data analysis 此年獎自一九九九年起每年頒發一次,并以理柏亞洲有限公司提供的表現數據作為評審標準。理柏亞洲有限公司為路透社旗下的公司,專門從事基金資訊與數據分析。

Promotional offer lipper fundmarket and fundflows insight reports - provide insightful and valuable understanding of the latest trends in the mutual fund marketplace on a weekly , monthly , and quarterly basis 里浦基金市場和基金流動洞察報告:每周、每月、每季為您提供深刻的、有價值的共同基金最近趨勢的分析報告。

Lipper quick reports ( lqr ) - quick reports provide next business day turnaround on performance , risk and expense information , for selected fixed income and equity funds 里浦即時報告:即時報告為您提供下個工作日精選的固定收入和權益基金的表現、風險、成本等方面的綜合信息。

Performance achievement certificates - lipper ' s performance achievement certificates are awarded to funds annually in recognition of top recent performance within a select lipper category 業績表現證書:里浦業績表現證書每年頒發給那些處在里浦精選中的最近表現最好的基金。

Lipper flash ranking services - provides the mutual fund information you need the most to keep up - to - date on your fund ' s competitive position 里浦三維動畫排名服務:為您提供最需要的共同基金信息,使您能夠在基金競爭地位方面把握最新信息。

Lipper datafeed services - customize lipper data to meet your company ' s research and reporting needs 浦數據服務:為客戶量身定做的里浦數據滿足貴司的研究報告需要。

Coming soon lipper mutual fund monitor - bringing sophisticated mutual fund selection to the reuters user 里浦共同基金導航器:為路透社用戶提供高級共同基金精選。

Lipper fund awards hong kong 理柏香港基金年獎

Lipper fund awards hong kong 2006 best fund over five years , equity greater china 大中華股票組別最佳基金五年獎

Three - year award , equity europe emerging markets lipper fund awards hong kong 2005 歐洲股票新興市場組別三年獎

Lipper fund awards hong kong 2007 best fund over ten years , equity japan 日本股票組別最佳基金十年獎

Lipper fund awards hong kong 2006 best fund over ten years , equity japan 日本股票組別最佳基金十年獎

Ten - year award , equity japan lipper fund awards hong kong 2005 日本股票組別十年獎