
liposuction n.【醫學】脂肪抽吸法〔一種整容外科手術,切開皮膚以真空...


What ' s more , having a kidney removed is as safe as common elective surgeries and even beauty treatments ( it is no more dangerous than liposuction , for example ) , which sets it apart from other types of living - organ donation 而且,摘除一只腎臟就象通常選擇的外科手術甚至美容一樣安全(例如,它不比抽脂更危險) ,這使它有別于其他類型的活體器官捐贈。

Top procedures for this age group are eyelid reductions , 38 per cent , facelifts , 28 per cent , and breast reduction in women , eight per cent . this is closely followed by tummy tucks , six per cent , and liposuction , five per cent 調查顯示,老年人常見的整形手術項目包括縮小眼瞼38面部拉皮28胸部重塑8腹部除皺6和抽脂5等。

If we ' re in a hurry to lose weight , we try the latest miracle diet , guaranteed to take away ten pounds in ten days . . . unless we ' re rich enough to afford liposuction 如果我們急著要減輕體重,就試用最新的神奇套餐,它保證能在十天之內減去十磅… …除非我們很有錢,可以去做吸脂手術。

Fat removal from the stomach and waist ranked third , followed by liposuction of the legs . nose sculpting came last among the top five most sought - after procedures for women 在女性最想做的五種整形術中,腰腹抽脂名列第三,然后是腿部抽脂,塑鼻整形位居最后。

Likewise , doing several procedures simultaneously - - such as a tummy tuck , liposuction and breast augmentation - - significantly increases the risk 同樣的,同時進行幾個手術? ?如抽脂術,皮下脂肪切除術,隆胸術? ?顯著的增加了手術風險。

In a majority of patients who have liposuction alone , i think i could improve the result with surgical excision of the remainder of the breast tissue 對大多數只做抽脂的病人,我可以用外科手術切除殘留的乳房組織以改善結果。

Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face lift , liposuction , breast augmentation , and a tummy tuck 手術康復后,她決定先不出院,而是做了一系列其他的手術:面部拉皮,抽脂,隆胸和腹部除皺。

Some small breasted patients have a strong preference for liposuction alone in order to preserve sensation or to stretch out the costs 有些小胸部的病人偏好只做抽脂,目的為了保持胸部的感覺,也為了降低成本。

You can have the liposuction done first , and if necessary , the residual breast tissue can be removed in a second operation 你當然可以先做抽脂,多馀的乳房組織可以等第二個手術時移除。

In comparison , men were less concerned about fat and only 7 . 5 percent would consider liposuction , the survey said 相反,男性對胖瘦并不那么在意,只有7 . 5 %的人表示會考慮做抽脂手術。

Treatment of upper limb lymphedema after radical mastectomy with liposuction technique and pressure therapy 皮下組織抽吸加彈力壓迫治療乳腺癌術后上肢淋巴水腫

Nevertheless , this is my opinion , and some people are quite content with just liposuction 不過,這也只是我個人的意見,有些人很滿意只做抽脂。

Reviewing and prospecting of tumescent liposuction employing in treatment of local obesity 應用腫脹吸脂法治療局限性肥胖的回顧與展望

Liposuction is also becoming more popular among men , across the age range 無論哪個年齡段,抽脂術在男性中是越來越受歡迎。

So those best suited for liposuction are healthy and have good skin tone 所以那些健康且皮膚狀況良好的人最適合抽脂。

Rumor has it that he had liposuction 傳聞說他抽脂了。

Aprils 55th birthdays gift : liposuction - make me heal 巨大成交可利用在免稅周末期間- fayobserver . com

Oh ! well , i can always get liposuction 哦,好吧,我可以去做抽脂

We ' re gonna have to sendyou back for liposuction 還是把你送回醫院比較好