
lipoprotein n.【生物學】脂蛋白。


Lipoprotein lipase ( lpl ) is a critical enzyme of catabolic metabolism in lipoproteins , its major function is the hydrolysis of the core triglycerides of circulating chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins 脂蛋白脂肪酶是脂蛋白分解代謝的關鍵酶,其主要功能是水解cm和vldl這些脂蛋白中的甘油三酯核心。

The researchers found one extra case of cancer per 1 , 000 patients with the lowest levels of ldl - - low density lipoprotein or so - called bad cholesterol - - when compared to patients with higher ldl levels 研究人員發現每千名癌癥患者中有1例低密度脂蛋白的患者- -低密度脂蛋白,即所謂壞膽固醇- -被稱為高蛋白水平

He shu - ying , qian zhi - yu . protective effects of crocin on cultured calf aortic endothelial cells injured by low - density lipoproteins ( ldl ) , acta pharmacologica sinica , 2006 ; supplement 1 : 163 何書英,錢之玉.西紅花苷對低密度脂蛋白所致鵪鶉內皮細胞損傷的保護作用,華西藥學雜志2006 ; 21 ( 1 ) : 028 031 。

Here is fatty metamorphosis ( fatty change ) of the liver in which deranged lipoprotein transport from injury ( most often alcoholism ) leads to accumulation of lipid in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes 肝細胞損傷尤其是長期酒精性損傷導致脂蛋白大量異常轉運從而使脂質在肝實質細胞內大量沉積。

Effects of parispolyphyllavar on the proliferation in human umbilicalartery smooth muscle cells by the conditional medium of the injured vascular endothelial cells induced by oxidized low density lipoprotein 蚤休水提液抗內皮細胞損傷條件培養基誘導臍動脈平滑肌細胞增殖作用的研究

Degreasing lipoprotein is the carrier of lipid ; after it combines with lipid and forms protein , it was transited to the organs and tissues out of the liver , along with blood 脫脂脂蛋白是脂類物質的運載體,而與脂類物質結合成蛋白質后,隨血液運送到肝外各器官、組織。

Other significant changes in the oral estrogen group included increases in high - density lipoprotein cholesterol and leptin leels , while adiponectin was unchanged 口服雌激素組中其它的明顯該報包括高密度脂蛋白膽固醇和來普汀水平升高,而己二腈水平未發生改變。

It was found that levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterol ldl - c , total cholesterol and triglyceride substantially improved in the intervention group 結果發現被介入的一組,無論是低密度膽固醇、總膽固醇和三酸甘油脂的水平均有顯著改善。

Both hdl and ldl , low ? density lipoprotein , are transporters of cholesterol , clearing the stuff out of your bloodstream and depositing it elsewhere 高濃度脂蛋白和低濃度脂蛋白都是膽固醇的運輸者,能從你的血液中將膽固醇清除并另置他處。

The study found the chocolate lovers ' metabotype is marked by low levels of low - density lipoprotein of “ bad “ cholesterol 研究指出,巧克力愛好者的代謝型態中含有較低含量的低密度脂蛋白,即壞的膽固醇中的一種。

The function of high density lipoproteins is to clean the cholesterol which deposited in blood vessels . so , we call hdl is good cholesterol 高密度脂蛋白( hdl )的功能是帶走血管壁上堆積的膽固醇,因此屬于好膽固醇。

Formation of low - density lipoprotein ldl ( bad lipid ) or even pancreatitis may result from over production of triglyceride in liver 過多的三酸甘油脂會于肝臟合成為低密度脂蛋白(壞的膽固醇)或導致胰臟發炎。

At the same time , it can decrease very low density lipoprotein and increase high density lipoprotein to make your body healthy and slim 同時能降低低密度脂蛋白,升高高密度脂蛋白,使您身體健康又苗條。

Effects of tetramethylpyrazine on the proliferation of human umbilical artery smooth muscle cells induced by oxidized low - density lipoprotein 川芎嗪對氧化型低密度脂蛋白誘導臍動脈平滑肌細胞增殖的作用

The test group under study showed that eating black soya beans significantly reduces low - density lipoprotein ( ldl ) 婦女每日攝取十三公克以上的黃豆,發生骨折的風險比每日僅攝取五公克的婦女減少三成五。

On the other hand , high - density lipoprotein ( hdl ) can retard the progression of as 高密度脂蛋白( highdensitylipoprotein , hdl )在膽固醇代謝中起良性作用,能阻止動脈粥樣硬化的形成及惡化。

Study on apoptosis and activity of sapk of vascular smooth muscle cells induced by oxidized low density lipoprotein 氧化型低密度脂蛋白對血管平滑肌細胞應激活化蛋白激酶活性及凋亡的影響

The relationship between blood lipoproteins , endothelial function and estrogen in post - menopausal women with coronary artery disease 絕經后冠心病患者雌激素水平與血脂及內皮功能的關系

Objective to evalute reaction selectivity to high - density lipoprotein cholesterol ( hdl - c ) of modified cholesterd esterase 摘要目的:對膽固醇酯酶進行修飾,評價修飾酶的反應選擇性。