
lipoma n.(pl. -pomata , -pomas) 【醫學...


Though multiple submucosal lipomas or lipomatous polyposis involving the small and large intestine segmentally or diffusely have been described [ 1 , 2 ] , diffuse lipomatous polyposis of colon is still very rare and is infrequently encountered in clinical practice 雖然局部或廣泛發生在小腸或大腸的脂肪瘤或脂肪息肉病已被提及過,然而大腸廣泛脂肪息肉病仍然少見且甚少在臨床上被提出。

In this report , we describe a 53 - year - old woman presenting as an enlarging subcutaneous nodule in the right thigh for 3 months , which was excised in the belief that it was a lipoma 我們在此報告一個53歲的女性病人主訴近3個月來在右大腿發現一個逐漸增大的皮下結節,它在被認為是脂肪瘤的診斷下接受手術切除。

It is especially intended for hyperplasia of mammary glands , hysteromyoma , oophoritic cyst , endometriosis , thyroid tumor , lipoma and other benign tumors and nameless ones 用于乳腺增生、子宮肌瘤、卵巢囊腫、子宮內膜移位癥、甲狀腺瘤、脂肪瘤及其它良性腫瘤和無名腫塊。

Magnetic resonance imaging showed fat infil - tration of the interatrial septum , indicating lipoma - tous hypertrophy in addition to hypertrophic myocardium 經磁振造影掃描發現其心房中隔上有脂肪侵潤,顯示其為脂肪性心房中隔肥大癥合并肥大性心肌病變。

Dercum ' s disease is a rare clinical condition characterized by the development of multiple painful subcutaneous lipomas selectively at postmenopausal women 摘要竇根氏病是一種相當罕見的疾病,此病之特徵為發生于停經后婦女的多發性疼痛皮下脂肪瘤。

Here is the lipoma at high magnification . this is a good example of how a benign neoplasm mimics the tissue of origin 在低倍鏡下,小腸脂肪瘤和黏膜界限很清,這個瘤分化良好,只表現為局限性腫塊,很難和正常脂肪組織區分開。

Pathological examination after endoscopic polypectomy demonstrated mature adipose tissue in the submucosa , consistent with a diagnosis of duodenal lipoma 病理報告顯示為腸壁黏膜下層的脂肪組織,診斷為十二指腸脂肪瘤。

Basically distinguish from pathology , adipose organization basically is in lipoma , and cyst is different cyst has different organization 主要從病理上區分,脂肪瘤里主要是脂肪組織,而囊腫是不同的囊腫有不同的組織。

A case is reported of intrarenal lipoma which had undergone nephrectomy erroneously under the mistaken impression of renal cell carcinoma 摘要我們報告壹腎臟?肪瘤病例,因其臨床表現疑似腎細胞癌而接受腎切除手術。

Here is the lipoma at high magnification . this is a good example of how a benign neoplasm mimics the tissue of origin 高倍鏡下,從這個脂肪瘤很容易觀察到良性瘤和起源組織的相似性。

Intestinal lipomas are usually single with mild clinical manifestation and are well recognized within the gastrointestinal tract 摘要腸道脂肪瘤好發于?盲瓣和升結腸。

Application of ultrasonic emulsification and aspirating in treatment of tethered cord syndrome with lipoma 術中應用超聲乳化治療脂肪瘤型脊髓拴系綜合征

Indication : it can be applied to obesity , adiposis , hyperlipemia , hyperlipoidemia and lipoma , etc 適應人群:肥胖肥胖病高血脂高脂血癥脂肪瘤等。

Lipoma of the gastrointestinal tract most commonly occurs in the colon 摘要脂肪瘤是一種不常見的胃腸道病變,最常出現在大腸。

Hello : lipoma is benign commonly need not take therapy , considerable examine 您好:脂肪瘤一般都是良性不用采取治療,可觀察。

Figure 19 . lipoma of the inguinal canal 圖19 ,腹股溝管脂肪瘤。

Renal capsular lipoma and internal lipoma are rare 腎包膜脂瘤及腎脂肪瘤均為少見病例。

Do lipoma and hypodermic cyst have why to distinguish 脂肪瘤和皮下囊腫有何區別?

Lipoma is the second most common benign tumor of the colon after adenomas . 脂肪瘤是結腸中僅次于腺瘤的第二位最常見的良性腫瘤。