
lipoid adj.【生化、化】類脂的 (= lipoidal)。n...


It owns efficacy to inhibit thrombosis , prevent myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction , reduce blood lipoid and blood pressure , inhibit hemorrhagic apoplexy , inhibit the occurrence and metastasis of cancer , increase intelligence , protect eyesight and prevent premature senility 它能夠有效地抑制血栓性病癥,預防心肌梗塞和腦梗塞,降低血脂、降低血壓,抑制出血性中風,抑制癌癥的發生和轉移,具有增長智力、保護視力、延緩衰老等功效。

The main products of the company are : blood lipoid - reducing powder of red kojic rice 、 natural pigment of red kojic rice 、 nutritious beverage and lyophilized powder of 《 boda sun light black tea fungus 》 which is the first tea - beverage of fermentation type in china 本公司主要產品有:降血脂紅曲粉、高色價降脂紅曲粉、發酵型茶飲料《博大陽光紅茶菌》及其功能性膠囊和健康含片。

Arteriosclerosis is caused by the sediment formed by lipoid such as cholesterin on the inner side of blood vessels . the magnetic field can speed up the hydrolysis of cholesterin in a purpose to reduce the concentration in the blood 動脈硬化是由于脂類物質特別是膽固醇在血管內壁上沉積對內膜造成損害,而誘發血管硬化,磁場能加速膽固醇水解作用。

The lipoid in the fishes brain had been viscid when the temperature at 17 . and become more solid with the temprature went dowra unceasingly 從解剖中看到,當溫度下降到17時,淡水白娼的腦腔內脂類呈半流動狀態,隨著溫度的下降滯流現象更為嚴重。

Its health care efficacy of blood lipoid adjustment and premature senility prevention has been certified by china ' s ministry of public health 它以獼猴桃果仁油為主要原料,經中國國家衛生部認定,果王素具有調節血脂、延緩衰老的保健功能。

Experimental research of the effect of tiaozhi capsule on blood lipoid and connective tissue growth factor in rats with atherosklerrosis 調脂膠囊對動脈粥樣硬化大鼠血脂及結締組織生長因子影響的實驗研究

Research of blood lipoid and hemorheology in brain infarct belonging to phlegm syndrome 腦梗死痰證患者血脂和血液流變學研究

Influence of typical poultry feather structure and surface lipoid on wettability 禽羽結構及羽表脂質對其潤濕性能的影響