
lipman n.李普曼〔姓氏〕。


“ pseudo - environment “ is not a new concept , since proposed “ pseudo - environment “ for the first time in “ the public opinion studied “ in his lipman in the twenties of the 20th century , the time in the past one hundred years passed by already in an instant “擬態環境”不是一個新概念,自20世紀20年代李普曼在他的《輿論學》中首次提出“擬態環境”以來,轉眼已是近百年的時間過去了。

“ when you have adolescent bravado and nothing can hurt you , underneath that is really a tremendous fear that everything can hurt you , “ said alan lipman , executive director of the center at georgetown for the study of violence 喬治敦暴力研究中心的執行董事艾倫李普曼說: “當一些青春期的孩子表現出天不怕地不怕的樣子時,他們心中都隱藏著或多或少的恐懼,實際上他們害怕受到任何的傷害。

We have strategy union , including china academy of science , lenovo , ibm , cfca , sheca , chengdu westone , the 56th department of the general staff , gemplus , topsec , lipman electronic , fudan university and shanghai jiaotong university Sheca 、成都衛士通、總參56所、 gemplus 、天融信。利普門、復旦大學、上海交通大學在內的策略聯盟。 ”

Lipman - blumen ' s hope is that by understanding the ties that bind , we can more easily unseat leaders whose behaviour becomes unacceptably toxic 李普曼-布魯門希望,通過理解約束關系,對于那些行為有害到令人無法容忍的領導者,我們就能更容易將他們趕下臺。