
lip n.1.嘴唇。2.唇狀物;(杯、壺等的)口,邊;【植物;...

lip language

The lips that had sneered so frequently were gone . 那兩片經常用來嘲諷別人的嘴唇不見了。

They told him to button his lip if he didn't want trouble . 他們叫他別吭聲,免得找麻煩。

His lips worked as he tried to swallow the food . 他使勁兒把食物咽下去,嘴唇都扭曲起來。

I want you to carry a stiff upper lip whatever happens . 我希望你無論如何不要垂頭喪氣。

The phrase “the war to end war“ was on every lip . “為消滅戰爭而戰”一語,已有口皆碑。

Her lips narrowed to a line . 她嘴唇閉成了一條線。

Laban tall's lips were thin, and his face was rigid . 拉班塔爾緊閉著嘴唇,臉色嚴峻。

Poetry flows spontaneous to her lips . 她出口成章。

She parted her lips and smiled . 她雙唇一綻,笑了。

His lips curled down and he turned his head away . 他將嘴唇撇了撇,又把頭轉開去了。

The bearded lips just open . 長了胡子的雙唇微微開著。

At any rate, miss baker's lip fluttered . 不管怎樣,貝克小姐的雙唇總算翕動了幾下。

A faint smile curved her lips . 她的唇邊浮出一點微笑。

Ralph's lips formed a word but no sound came . 拉爾夫嘴唇在翕動,但沒有聲音出來。

She pursed her pretty lips and peaked her eyebrows . 她緊閉美麗的雙唇,豎起眉毛。

Her lips were sealed by a promise . 她的嘴被諾言封住了。

I smothered the retort that rose to my lips . 反駁他的話已到唇邊,我又忍住未說。

My lips are sealed . 我的嘴被封住了(我已經不好開口了)。

But no word would issue from his lips . 但他還是不吐一言。