
lioness n.母獅。


The lioness insisted on eating vegetarian food , but the westbeaus kept trying to feed little tyke meat for four years because scientific evidence indicated that lions die if they avoid eating meat . yet the lioness thrived on her vegetarian diet . in fact she was as fit a lion as anyone had ever seen 根據科學研究顯示,獅子如果不吃肉,就會無法存活,所以四年來,蔚絲特柏夫婦一直嘗試喂小淘氣吃肉,不過這只母獅子卻堅持吃素,而且吃素后一直都很健壯,事實上,它和一般人所看到的獅子一樣健康。

Oryx number two was taken away from the lioness after its condition deteriorated from lack of food . oryx number one was not so lucky . the lioness managed to protect it for two weeks before a hungry male lion with a traditional diet seized the baby while the lioness was napping 動物看管員們說這只剛剛被“獅媽媽“收養的小獅子看上去身體狀況不錯,很健壯,但是由于跟在獅媽媽身邊缺少食物,第二只被收養的小羚羊已經被看管員從母獅子身邊帶走。

About a lioness , named kamuniak blessed one by kenyan park rangers , who spent her days protecting an oryx calf , chasing off hyenas , jackals and other predators and treating the calf as she would a lion cub by lying in the grass at her side 它不惜付出時間來保護一只小羚羊,將那些虎視眈眈的鬣狗胡狼和其他掠食動物趕跑,它對待那只小羚羊,視如己出,并且讓小羚羊依偎在它身旁,一起躺在草地上。

Her masses of yellow hair were unknotted behind , and they covered her back with the fell of a lioness . bending back thus , she displayed her solid amazonian waist and firm bosom , where strong muscles moved under the satin texture of the skin 她挺著胸脯,脅部繃得緊緊的,顯示了她那女戰士般的結實腰肢和硬挺挺的乳房,在軟緞般的皮膚下面,這兩處肌肉健美而發達。

“ yesterday , two oryxes came ( near the lion and calf ) , probably the mother and father , “ chief warden simon leirana told reporters . “ the lioness left the calf and went to sleep in the shade 總看管員西蒙?萊拉納告訴記者說: “昨天,有兩只成年羚羊靠近了這只獅子和小羚羊,它們很可能是小羚羊的父母,母獅子見此情景就將小羚羊留給了它們,獨自到樹蔭下睡覺去了。

It was a surprise in the kenyan wild to see the lioness adopt an oryx and the two walking next to each other in peace , fulfilling the biblical prophecy the lamb and the lion shall lie together 在肯亞的野外,母獅子撫養羚羊,是相當令人驚奇的事。羚羊和母獅子一起并肩漫步,就像圣經所說:小羊和獅子將會躺在一起。

Game wardens at samburu national park said monday they had found the lioness with a four or five - day - old oryx called easter saturday . she had previously adopted new born oryxes over new year and on valentine ' s day 國家公園的動物看管員周一發現這只母獅子竟然和一只剛出生四五天名叫“復活節“的小羚羊待在一起。

I will meet them like a bear robbed of her cubs , and i will tear away the covering of their heart ; and i will devour them there like a lioness ; the beast of the field will tear them to pieces 8我遇見他們必像丟崽子的母熊,撕裂他們的心膜;在那里我必像母獅吞吃他們;田野的走獸必撕碎他們。

I will encounter them like a bear robbed of her cubs , and i will tear open their chests ; there i will also devour them like a lioness , as a wild beast would tear them 何13 : 8我遇見他們必像丟崽子的母熊、撕裂他們的胸膛、或作心膜在那里我必像母獅吞吃他們野獸必撕裂他們。

Villefort could not believe his eyes , - he could not believe his reason ; he dragged himself towards the child s body , and examined it as a lioness contemplates its dead cub 維爾福無法相信他的眼睛,無法相信他的理智。他向孩子的尸體爬過去,象一只母獅看著它死掉的小獅子一樣。

The folk tales of the period tell of “ swan children ” , and in various fairy tales children are suckled by a hind , a goat , a lioness , a wolf , ravens , or even rats 這一時期的民間傳說中有“天鵝孩子“ ,童話故事中曾有母鹿、山羊、母獅、狼、烏鴉,甚至老鼠等撫養孩子。

The lionesses had not moved and we were puzzled until , following bloody mary ' s gaze , we saw the black - maned lion strolling towards us , followed by a group of jackals 這一次我們非常疑惑,因為雌獅并沒有動作,直到我們順著嗜血瑪麗的眼睛望過去后才知道發生了什么。

The lioness became so gentle that all types of creatures could lie down with her , including the most dangerous species of all : homo sapiens . source : daily nation , 這只母獅子吃素后,漸漸地變得非常溫和,任何動物都可以和它躺在一起,連最具危險性的人類也不例外。

Lions have very good noses . their highly developed sense of smell gives them information about animals nearby , especially other lions and lionesses 獅子有著非常靈敏的鼻子。高度發達的嗅覺使它們能了解到附近動物的情況,尤其是其他雄獅和母獅的情況。

“ the calf went to its mother and started suckling for about three minutes , then the lioness ran toward them and the mother oryx ran away . “小羚羊走到它母親的身邊,開始吮吸乳汁,大概過了三分鐘,母獅子朝它們走去,羚羊媽媽就被嚇跑了。

The lioness said calmly , “ yes , just look at that beautiful collection . what are they ? foxes ! i ' ve only one , but remember , that one is a lion . 母獅平靜地說: “是呀,看看這漂亮的一大群,他們都是狐貍!我只有一個,可他畢竟是一頭獅子。 ”

The people rise like a lioness ; they rouse themselves like a lion that does not rest till he devours his prey and drinks the blood of his victims . 24這民起來,仿佛母獅,挺身,好像公獅,未曾吃野食,未曾喝被傷者之血,決不躺臥。

For a nation has invaded my land , mighty and without number ; its teeth are the teeth of a lion , and it has the fangs of a lioness 珥1 : 6有一隊蝗蟲原文是民又強盛、又無數、侵犯我的地它的牙齒如獅子的牙齒、大牙如母獅的大牙。

The lion tore in pieces , enough for his whelps , and strangled for his lioness and filled his caves with torn prey and his dens with torn animals 12公獅為小獅撕碎足彀的食物,為母獅掐死活物,把獵物充滿?的洞,把撕碎的充滿?的穴。