
lion n.1.獅子。2.勇猛的人。3.名流,名人。4.〔pl....


When spiders unite they can tie down a lion 當蜘蛛團結起來時可以放倒一頭獅子。

It ' s true , ’ said the lion . ‘ i am a coward “說得對”獅子說, “我是個膽小鬼。

This force retreated through germany, as a man might retreat who had ventured into a cageful of drugged lions and found that the effects of the drug were evaporating . 這支軍隊經由德國撤退,好象一個人冒險進入一滿籠服了興奮劑的獅子中間,當他發現藥性正在發作時,急忙退出來一樣。

To take this last step, to accept stalin's hospitality to show openness and trust to a tyrant who knew only secrecy and distrust, was perhaps the subtle gamble of an old lion . 采取最后這一步,接受斯大林的款待,對一個只懂得保密和猜疑的暴君開誠相見,這也許是一位老謀深算的政治家進行的微妙賭博。

The lion roared till the air quivered with the sound, then, with a savage, shrieking snarl, he turned and clawed hold of the crocodile's head . 獅子不顧一切地吼著,連周圍的空氣也顫抖起來。然后它又凄厲地狂叫一聲,轉過頭去,抓住了鱷魚的頭顱。

The lion managed to struggle on to the bank, the crocodile half standing and half swimming, still nipping his hind leg . 獅子拼命地往土堤上爬,鱷魚半身在土堤上,半身在水里,死死地咬住它的后腿不放。

Silver pigeons lighted briefly on the heads of the lions or the rims of fountains, and strutted along the walks . 銀白色的鴿子飛落在石獅的頭上或噴泉池的邊上,然后沿著走道神氣活現地蹦跳著。

Let us see ? there are hippos , tigers , lions , ostriches , peacocks , camels , donkeys , wolves , foxes , deer ... 讓我看看?有河馬,老虎,獅子,駝鳥,孔雀,駱駝,驢,狼,狐貍

Raymond : there are hippos , tigers , lions , ostriches , peacocks , camels , donkeys , wolves , foxes , deer . 雷蒙:有河馬,老虎,獅子,駝鳥,孔雀,駱駝,驢,狼,狐貍,鹿。

Whereon the lion took him by the throat and held it, and over they rolled upon the bank, struggling hideously . 獅子又抓住了它的喉嚨,它們在堤上翻滾著,瘋狂地撕咬著。

And the lion would send forth a low dangerous roar as though he meditated some deed of blood . 這只雄獅會發出一聲可怕的低聲咆哮,仿佛他考慮采取某種血腥的行動似的。

Macomber saw the lion now. he was standing almost broadside, his great head up and turned toward them . 麥康勃看見獅子了。它幾乎側面站著,巨大的頭昂起,轉向他們。

The pride of peacock, the lust of the goat and the wrath of the lion are the glory and wisdom of god . 孔雀的驕傲,山羊的好色,獅子的狂怒,全是上帝的榮譽和智慧。

He was the sanest of us, with a splendid record in the first world war, a regular lion . 他是我們中最有頭腦的人,是一頭不倦的雄獅,他在第一次世界大戰中戰功卓著。

She had a sharp voice and snapping black eyes that kept track of everything in the two lions . 她天生一個尖嗓門,一對閃亮的黑眼睛,密切注視著“雙獅”的里里外外。

The lion was a monster sphinx which was astray like them in that gulf of darkness . 這只獅子是個丑怪的斯芬克斯,跟他們一樣迷失在這黑暗的深淵里。

At night, alone in his shack, santiago dreamed of lions on the beaches of africa . 夜間桑提亞哥一個人躺在自己的小棚屋里,夢見非洲海灘上的獅子。

Would he leave his shrewish wife, sell the two lions and live like a king ? 他會不會離開那位厲害的妻子,把“雙獅”賣掉,去過國王一樣的生活?

Abundant lions imply abundant games, and that again means abundant vegetation . 獅子的眾多正暗示著其他獵物的眾多,同時也意味著植物的茂盛。