
lintel n.【建筑】楣;壁爐橫梁。


The influences of different reinforcement style of the concealed bracings and different span - height ratio of lintel beams on bearing capacity , stiffness and deterioration process , ductility , hysteresity capacity , energy dissipation and failure features of coupled shear wall were studied through experiment of 7 specimens under low cyclic loading 通過7個結構試件在低周反復荷載作用下的試驗,研究了不同暗支撐配筋形式、不同連梁跨高比對雙肢剪力墻的承載力、剛度及其衰減過程、延性、滯回特性、耗能、破壞特征等方面的影響。

And when the good fathers had reached the appointed place , the house of bernard kiernan and co , limited , 8 , 9 and 10 little britain street , wholesale grocers , wine and brandy shippers , licensed for the sale of beer , wine and spirits for consumption on the premises , the celebrant blessed the house and censed the mullioned windows and the groynes and the vaults and the arrises and the capitals and the pediments and the cornices and the engrailed arches and the spires and the cupolas and sprinkled the lintels thereof with blessed water and prayed that god might bless that house as he had blessed the house of abraham and isaac and jacob and make the angels of his light to inhabit therein 這幾位好神父抵達了指定地點,小布列顛街八九十號的伯納德基爾南股份有限公司的店堂這是食品雜貨批發商,葡萄酒和白蘭地裝運商特準在店內零售啤酒葡萄酒和烈酒。司儀神父祝福了店堂,焚香熏了那裝有直欞的窗戶交叉拱拱頂棱柱頭山墻上楣鋸狀拱門尖頂和圓頂閣,把圣水撒在過梁上,祈求天主祝福這座房舍,一如曾經祝福過亞伯拉罕以撒和雅各的房舍那樣,并且讓天主的光明天使們住在里面。

3 . through experimental and theoretic analysis it proved that it has more prominent effects in improving bearing capacity , the structure integer deformation and energy dissipating with concealed bracings in the two wall slabs than only with across inclined reinforcements in the lintel beams . and the key point of the rc coupled shear wall with concealed bracings is that concealed bracings can control the failure mechanism of the shear wall rationally 通過試驗和理論分析證明了在連梁中加配交叉斜筋對提高承載力和延性效果顯著,兩墻肢加設暗支撐后,兩墻肢抗震能力明顯加強,同時結構整體變形和耗能能力顯著增強,帶暗支撐雙肢剪力墻的關鍵在于合理地控制了剪力墻的破壞機制。

In this paper , a new ductile rc coupled shear wall , namely rc coupled shear wall with concealed bracings , was put forward based on the study of shear wall with concealed bracings and inclined across steel bars in lintel beam . then the seismic design methods on shear wall with concealed bracings was given through the experimental study and theoretical analysis on seismic behavior and corresponding finite element analysis on elastic - plastic 本文在帶暗支撐剪力墻及雙肢剪力墻連梁配交叉斜筋的研究基礎上,提出了一種新型延性雙肢剪力墻? ?帶暗支撐雙肢剪力墻,通過抗震性能試驗研究和理論分析,以及相應的彈塑性有限元計算,給出了帶暗支撐剪力墻的抗震設計方法。

Although this village was reportedly settled by members of the tang clan during the 14th century , the walls of san wai were believed built in 1744 as the stone lintel above the main entrance to the village is engraved with kun lung , dated this jiazi of the qianlong reign 鄧氏宗族據說在十四世紀時已在此建村,但圍墻很可能于一七四四年才興建。圍村門樓的石額刻有覲乾隆甲子歲字樣,乾隆甲子即一七四四年。

And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her , all the beasts of the nations : both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it ; their voice shall sing in the windows ; desolation shall be in the thresholds : for he shall uncover the cedar work 番2 : 14群畜、就是各國的走獸、國或作類必臥在其中鵜鶘和箭豬要宿在柱頂上在窗戶內有鳴叫的聲音門檻都必毀壞香柏木已經露出。

Standard booth : including exhibiting ground , one lintel plate ( both chinese and english names of exhibitors ) , three exhibition boards , one carpet for the booth ground , one table , two chairs , one paper basket , one 220v power socket and two spotlights 標準攤位設施包括:展出場地、眉板(參展企業中英文名稱) 、三面展板、攤位內部地面鋪地毯、一個問訊臺、兩把折椅、一個紙簍、一個220v的電源、兩盞射燈。

Aiming at the problem of incline of lintel in warm extrusion forming process for copper alloy solid bearing retainer , the rigid - plastic fem analysis models have been setup and numerical simulation and analysis been made , improving measures put forward 摘要針對軸承保持架溫擠壓成形中出現的過梁傾斜等問題,建立了剛塑性有限元模型,對溫擠壓成形過程進行數值模擬,并提出了相應的改進措施。

Provision : the exhibition venue , exhibition stand and setting it up , lintel board bearing the company ' s name and its make , one negotiation table , two chairs , two fluorescent lamps and one 220v / 300w socket ( not used for illumination ) 配備:展出場地、展架及搭建、企業名稱楣板及制作、洽談桌一張、椅子二把、日光燈二支、 220v 300w電源插座(非照明用電)一個。

For the lord will pass through to smite the egyptians ; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel , and on the two side posts , the lord will pass over the door , and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you 23因為耶和華要巡行擊殺埃及人,他看見血在門楣上和左右的門框上,就必越過那門,不容滅命的進你們的房屋,擊殺你們。

“ for the lord will pass through to smite the egyptians ; and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts , the lord will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to smite you 出12 : 23因為耶和華要巡行擊殺埃及人、他看見血在門楣上、和左右的門框上、就必越過那門、不容滅命的進你們的房屋、擊殺你們。

For jehovah will pass through to smite the egyptians ; and when he sees the blood upon the lintel and on the two doorposts , jehovah will pass over the entrance and will not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to smite you 23因為耶和華要巡行擊殺埃及人; ?看見血在門楣上,和左右的門框上,就必越過那門,不許滅命的進你們的房屋,擊殺你們。

Though he averred , “ i would write on the lintels of the door - post , whim , ” he was a scrupulous and patient reviser , who extensively reworked most of his lectures for their appearance in print 雖然他聲稱: “我只是一時興起在門楣上寫字, ”但他是一個謹慎耐心的校訂者,大面積地修改了愛默生的大多數付諸出版的演說的面貌。

In particular , the concealed bracings have more evident effects in improving bearing and energy - dissipation capacity of the wall slabs in coupled shear walls with lintel beams of relative smaller span - height - ratio . 4 特別是在連梁跨高比相對小的雙肢墻墻肢中增加暗支撐對雙肢墻承載力、耗能提高的作用更為明顯。

The family ancestral altar was placed in the main hall lying on the central axis facing the entrance . the four chinese characters signifying chan family ancestral hall , were engraved on the granite lintel above the door frame 位于中軸線上的正廳,擺放了陳氏先祖的神位,面向正門,正門石楣上刻有陳氏家祠四字。

Buy have the merchandise of the problem or get the service of inferior quality , do not send submit to humiliation , avowed pour lintel , can use complain protection from already legitimate rights and interests 買到有問題的商品或受到低質量的服務,不發忍氣吞聲,自認倒楣,可以用投訴保護自已的合法權益。

Standard exhibition stand consists of : built exhibition , carpet , lintel board , one desk , two chairs , two lamps , one power socket ( 220v ) , security guard and cleanup , etc 標準展位包括:搭建好的展臺、地毯、楣板、一張洽談桌、兩把椅子、兩盞照明射燈、一個電源插座( 220v ) 、會場保安、會場清潔等。

The roof ridges and gable walls of the ancestral hall are richly embellished . auspicious motifs engraved on the lintel and brackets inside the hall are exquisitely crafted 居石侯公祠的屋脊及山墻均有精致的裝飾,祠堂內的橫梁及斗?的吉祥圖案雕刻亦極為精致。

One boy stood with his back to the camera , leaning stooped against a gate lintel , and on the finger of the hand that held the post there was a ring she recognized 一個男孩子背對著攝像機站著,彎身靠著大門的門楣,抓著門柱的手上戴著一枚她熟悉的戒指。